Wednesday, November 27, 2013

German 2B - 12/3/ Assignment

German 2B – 12/3/13 – 7:30 >  SLO reading comprehension assessment will be done on 12/10

Begin working on workbook/lab manual for Kap. 12 to hand in on 12/17

Landeskunde-Info, p. 387 and answer the two questions.

Akt. 5 will be done in class.

Thema 2, p. 388.  Look at graph and answers questions for A and B, p. 389

Write answers to Akt. 6 and 7

Akt. 8: Read Der Korkenzieher and write answers to 1-5, p. 391

Akt. 10: Be prepared to do in class

Grammatik im Kontext

Read Infinitive Clauses with um…zu, p. 394-395

Rewrite 1-7, Übung 7

Read Indirect Discourse, p. 396 and write answers to Übung 8

Übung 9,  and rewrite in Subj. 1.  Bear in mind that the indirect discourse subjunctive is used less and less in spoken German.  It is, however, common in writing, especially in newspapers.  Important just to recognize the forms. 

Übung 10, p. 398 Listen and jot down “Problem” and “Ausrede”. 

Übung 12: write verbs in direct discourse (direkte Rede) to be able to read in class.    

German 2A - Assignment for 12/3/13 - 6:00 >

The class will meet at 6:00.  After the instruction time, I will give you the SLO reading assessment "test".  It could take, depending, anywhere from 10-20 minutes.  You will be checking 10 stimmt/stimmt nicht questions. 

German 2A – 12/3/13 – 6:00-7:30 + SLO reading comprehension assessment

After completing this assignment, begin work on workbook/lab manual for Kap 10, to turn in on the evening of the final, 12/17/13. 

Thema 2, p. 295: Listen to “Im Reisebüro”.  Study Neue Wörter and fill in blanks “Ergänzen Sie”. 

Read Sprach-Info, p. 296

Write answers to Aktivität 5, p. 296, based on Thema 2 Gespräch

Listen to Akt 6, p. 297 and write answers to Wie?, Wohin?, Warum?, Wie lange?
Prepare your own “Urlaub” to tell the class: wie, wohin, warum, wie lange?

Then, based on the “Urlaub” you just planned, look at Akt. 7, be prepared to persuade a classmate to go on a trip with you. 


Übung 3: will be done in class.

Read and study “Attributive Adjectives in the Comparative”, p. 302
Listen to Übung 4, p. 303
Write answers to Übung 5, p. 303

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 304 and write answers to Übung 6 (largest amusement park in Austria; Familypark Neusiedlersee notched up more than 400,000 visits during the 2012 season.

Read and study “Adjectival Nouns”, p. 305
Write answers to Übung 8 and 9, pp. 305-306

Read and study “Narrating Events in the Past: The Simple Past Tense,” pp. 306-307
Write answers to Übung 10, p. 307.  Refer to p. 196 for a chart with the modals in the simple past.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

German 2B Assignment - 11/26/13

Class will meet at 6:00.  Seid bitte pünktlich!

Assignment.  Kapitel 13: Medien und Technik

Alles Klar? p. 381.  prepare answers to A, listen to B and provide answers 1-4

Thema 1: Medien, p. 382

When you have completed the assignment, begin workbook/lab manual for Kap. 13

Study Neue Wörter, pp. 382 and 384, welche findest du am nützlichsten?

Listen and read along dialog   Fill in blanks, p. 383.

Read "Weitere Spielfilme", p., 383 and write 2-3 sentences answering: Welcher Spielfilm würdest du am interessantesten finden?  Warum?  Welcher interessiert dich überhaupt nicht?

Read: Was steht in der Zeitung, p. 384 and write answers to A and B

Akt. 1, p. 384.  Read and write answers 1-10


Grammatik im Kontext, p. 392

Read and study: infinitive clauses with zu; note in particular the place of the "zu clause".

Prepare Übung 1 to do in class.

Prepare 4 responses to Übung 2, p. 393

Übung 3: prepare responses, using the "zu" + infinitive clause for Cornelia's daily schedule.

Übung 4: Write two "Vorsätze" for Schritt 1

Read Sprach-Info, p. 394

ÜBUNG 5: Prepare answers to 1-5

Be prepared to do Übung 6 in class


German 2A Assignment for 11/26/13

2A will meet at 7:15 (rather than 7:30).  Seid bitte pünktlich!  

Assignment.  Kapitel 10: Auf Reisen 

When you have completed this assignment, begin working on workbook/lab manual assignments for Kap. 10.  

Read Alles klar?, p. 291 and answer A, listen to B and write answers.

Study, repeat, learn: Neue Wörter, p. 292, Wortschatz, p. 318
Read and study:  Thema 1, p. 292, and write 5 answers to A, p. 293, prepare answers to B 

Study: Checkliste vor der Reise, p. 293 and write 3 things for Akt. 2
Prepare: Akt. 1, p. 293
Read: Landeskunde-Info, p. 294 and prepare answers to the two questions.
Akt. 4, p. 294: write 5 sentences using 5 of the 7 transportation options, stating "Vorteil" or "Nachteil" for each. 

Grammatik im Kontext, p. 300

Read:  Expressing Comparisons: The Superlative, p. 30
Write answers to Üb. 1 & 2, p. 301. For 2, write answers to Schritt 1 and prepare answers to Schritt 2 to do in class

Read: Attributive Adjectives in the Superlative, p. 303 and write answers to Übung 7, p. 304

Thursday, November 14, 2013

German Restaurants in the Southland

For the German 2A students who hail from the "Southland", i.e. south of SF, such as San Jose or Cupertino, yes, there are German or Austrian restaurants in your area.  Here are two:

Teske's Germania for "the Bay Area's Finest in German Dining" in downtown San Jose.  While the Yelp reviews might refute that claim, as well as the fact that there are also other Bay Area restaurants such as the Speisekammer and the Suppenkûche, it is a long-established San Jose hot spot for beer and German cuisine.

Naschmarkt is a much newer establishment in downtown Campbell specializing in Austrian cuisine.  New and worthy of a review on Check, Please! Bay Area.  Jaegerschnitzel, Spaetzel, Suppen, all that good stuff.  Check it out!


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

"Schreiben" Topics for Kapitel 9, and 12 Tests

Kapitel 9:

V. Schreiben

Ein Rundgang durch die Stadt. Ihr deutscher Freund / Ihre deutsche Freundin besucht Sie in Ihrer Heimatstadt oder in San Francisco. Zeigen Sie ihm/ihr Ihre Stadt und schreiben Sie 2-3 seiner/ihrer Beobachtungen (observations) auf (40–50 Wörter). Benutzen Sie mindestens fünf Adjektive in Ihren Beschreibungen. (15 Punkte)


• den Weg durch die Stadt
• bestimmte Gebäude (buildings) und Sehenswürdigkeiten (tourist attractions), die sie sehen
• Gebäude in Ihrer Nachbarschaft (Schule, Kirche)
• etwas Historisches über die Stadt oder wofür die Stadt bekannt ist

These are only possible topics you could choose.  You can choose another one of your own. 

Kapitel 12: 

V. Schreiben 

Renovieren. Wenn Sie $5 000 bekämen, um Ihr Zimmer, Ihre Wohnung oder Ihr Haus zu renovieren, was würden Sie machen? Was würden Sie kaufen? Schreiben Sie 40–50 Wörter darüber. Benutzen Sie dabei den Konjunktiv (subjunctive). (15 Punkte)

Deutsch: Na Klar! Practice Quizzes

In case you haven't checked this out yet, here is the link to the publisher's website for the textbook:

Choose a chapter and then do the vocabulary and grammar quizzes to help prepare you for the test.

You can also choose the link to the 5th edition:\

Click on "Activity Pack" (upper right hand corner), then, when you get to the page, click on "Launch the Activity Pack" for more practice exercises.  

German 2A: Übung 13 "Bei uns in der Stadt", p. 280

Listen carefully and fill in the blanks:

Text 1:
A. Jungen, junge, kleinen, neues, ganze
B.  neuen, ganzen

Text 2:
B. alte, neue
A: altes, neues, berühmten
B: neue, zweite, rechten
A: Vielen

German 2B - Assignment for 11/19/13

German 2B – Assignment for 11/19/13

Office hour on 11/19 from 4:50 – 5:50 (in 2A classroom)

Class will meet from 6:00-9:00.  6:00-7:30 instruction time
                                      7:45-9:00 test, Kap. 12

There will be a “Schreiben” section this time on the test.  I will post the topic tomorrow so that you can prepare your vocabulary, etc.  However, these will not be permitted to be used as reference during the test.

Continue working on workbook and lab manual for Kap. 12  to hand in on 11/19.  Be sure to look at answer key and do corrections. 

Read and study “The Past Subjunctive II”, pp. 370-371. 

Übung 15, p. 372.  Prepare 4-5 responses, using the Redemittel. 

Watch the video for Kap 12.  Access it here:

 (user name: german, password: ccsf)  Answer questions for A, B, C, p. 372-373. 

Lesen: Zum Thema, p. 373 (if not done for 11/12) and answer B and C. 

Read: Die drei Geldtypen and write answer to Zum Text, A, 1

Study for test, Kap 12.  Use “Das kann ich nun!”, p. 377 as a guide.  Use workbook as a resource, as well.  Prepare for the “Schreiben” part of the test (to be posted on Thursday).  

German 2A Assignment for 11/19/13

German 2A – Assignment for 11/19/13

Office hour on 11/19/13 from 4:50 -5:50 (in classroom)

Class will meet from 6:00-9:00.  6:00-7:30 instruction time
                                      7:45-9:00 test, Kap. 9

There will be a “Schreiben” section this time on the test.  I will post the topic tomorrow so that you can prepare your vocabulary, etc.  However, these will not be permitted to be used as reference during the test.

Continue working on workbook and lab manual for Kap. 9 to hand in on 11/19.  Be sure to look at answer key and do corrections. 

Akt. 8, Wie kommt man dahin?, p. 270.  Prepare some answers and also prepare directions for three destinations in SF, starting from the Downtown Campus. (assigned but did not get to). 

Übung 13 – Listen and complete.  (Reassigned from last week).  I will post the answers to this exercise tomorrow (Thursday, 11/14), but for your own benefit, do the exercise first (if you haven’t already done so) and THEN check.  This is for your benefit in mastering these adjective endings. 

Übung 14 – will be done in class.
Read “Adjectives referring to cities and regions”, p. 281

Übung 15 – prepare or write answers to do in class. 

Landeskunde-Info, p. 270 (assigned for 11/12).  Read (if you haven’t already) and prepare the following: Be able to give two responses to the first question: Was sind zwei wichtige Daten in der Geschichte Ihrer Stadt?

Watch the video.  Access it here:
 (user name: german, password: ccsf)  Answer questions for A, B, C, p. 282. 

NEXT: Try tackling the blanks in Rotkäppchen,

asking yourself the following questions to determine what the endings will be:

 1) what is the gender of the noun that the adjective is modifying? 
                         2) which case is the noun/adjective in?  Does it function as the subject (nom), the direct object (acc), an object of a dative preposition or is an indirect object (dative), or is it denoting ownership or a relationship? (genitive)
                             3) is the adjective preceded by: a definite article or other“der” word such as dieser or jeder? OR by an indefinite article, or ein-words (possessive adjectives such as mein, sein, ihr, unser).    
                         4) is the adjective NOT preceded by either?  These will be identical to “der” word endings except: Genitive, masc and neuter.  

Go to this page for a chart that compares the “definite” and “indefinite” endings together: 

Check your answers, review your errors and please email me with questions about why something is one thing and not the other.  I will then post the questions on the blog.  It is not as daunting as it seems!  Remember, it’s a fun puzzle to solve!

Here are some extra online exercises for adjective endings.  Not an assignment, just something for those who feel they need a bit extra practice: 

and, if you dare: 

Study for test:  Use “Das kann ich nun”, p. 287 as a guide.  If you have done the workbook thoroughly, checked your answers, and kept up with classroom assignments, you should do well.     

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

German 2B Assignment - 11/12/13

German 2B - class meets at 7:30 p.m.

Continue to work on workbook/lab manual to hand in on 11/19

Office hour will be on 11/19, NOT 11/12

Thema 3: Unser Zuhause, p. 356

Study Neue Wörter, pp. 356, 357

Read flyer and write 2-3 short sentences to summarize.

Do B, and C, p. 357

Listen to Akt. 8, p. 357 and check correct answers

Read Wohnqualität, p. 358, and answer questions based on reading

Akt. 9: prepare both conversations

Grammatik im Kontext, p. 366

Read and study, The Present Subjunctive II
Be sure to read the notes. 

Übung 10, p. 367.  Write answers that give “die Tatsache” or the contrary to fact statements. 

Übung 11.  Write answers.  Be sure to check the simple past form of the strong verbs. 

Read Sprach-Info, p. 368

Übung 12: write answers to the 4 situations pictured.

Read Talking about Contrary-to-Fact Conditions, p. 369

Übung 13, write 4 sentences per the example (add one noun  to the list)

Übung 14.  Prepare some good advice for each “Problem” and make up one of your own with some advice. 

Lesen:  Zum Thema, p. 373.  Prepare answers for “Ein Interview”, 1 und 3. 
Write answers to Auf den ersten Blick, A und C  
Read: Die drei Geldtypen, pp. 374-5 and write answers to Zum Text, A 1, 2
FOR EXTRA PRACTICE, if you feel the need:

Select any “problem areas”, do the exercises, and bring any questions to class.   

German 2A - Assignment for 11/12/13

Class will meet at 6:00 p.m.

Good news for German 2A students, yes, there will be a 2A/2B class offered in Spring 2014.  I don't know any details as of yet, check the schedule posted online on Friday.

Continue to work on workbook and lab manual for Kap 9 to hand in on 11/19

Office hour will be on 11/19, NOT 11/12

Thema 3, p. 267

Write answers to A

Identify one location on the map of the Lutherstadt Wittenberg and write 3-5 sentences (in German!) about that location, be it a building, a tree, a museum, a church.   Just as a suggestion: tell us how old the place/building is, if it’s a museum, what are the hoursJust a couple of ideas. 

For everyone: From the vantage of the I (information) kiosk, write directions for a tourist to your chosen destination. Tip: you might want to study the Neue Wörter, p. 268 for suggestions for giving directions, or look first at “Redemittel”, p. 269. 

Listen to “Nach dem Weg fragen”, p. 268.  Study Neue Wörter.  Write answers to B.

Listen to Akt. 5 and fill in dialog blanks

Be prepared to do Akt.6 in class.

Akt 7: be prepared to give various directions.  Study “Redemittel”, p. 269.

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 270. Be able to give two responses to the first question: Was sind zwei wichtige Daten in der Geschichte Ihrer Stadt”? 

Akt 8: be prepared to give directions from the Downtown campus to three locations in SF of your choice. 

Grammatik im Kontext, p. 271

Read and study “Adjectives after an Indefinite Article”

Übung 10, write adjective endings for blanks

Übung 11, be prepared to do in class

Read “Adjectives without a Preceding Article”

Übung 12, write answers.  Read the directions before beginning!

Übung 13, listen and fill in blanks, Texts 1 and 2

EXTRA PRACTICE with adjective endings:

Try doing this without looking back and forth to the charts.  Go with what you know: look at case, gender, number (i.e. singular or plural).  Ask yourself: Is the noun preceded by a definite or an indefinite article, or no article at all? Fill it out and check your answers.  Bring to class.  Note: the margins are wide, so I ended up copying the finished text, then put it into a Word doc with a landscape orientation.  Of course, then you don't keep the answers, so you could rewrite the answers as a second exercise!