Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Relative Clause/Pronoun Practice: Fill in the Blanks

Here is the link to the internet resource from which this exercise is from.  There you will also find numerous other resources.

1.  die

2.  die

3. die

4,  die

5.  denen  (gehören = requires dative)

6.  die

7.  die

8.  der (same as 5, above)

9.  die

10.  der

11.  dem (helfen = requires dative)

12.  den (den = accusative relative pronoun for masculine nouns)

13.  denen (for whom one goal was not enough, requires dative, genügend = sufficient)

14.  die (jemanden anfeuern = cheer someone on)

15.  die 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Additional Assignment for 5/11: Negating a Sentence

Due to an oversight on my part, I neglected to post this vital bit of grammar:

P. 339.  Please read and prepare Uebung 9 for review in class on Monday. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Monday, May 4, 2015

German 10C: Two topics for the final presentation

Here are the two topics for 10B students to choose from for their final presentations.  These should be no less than 5 minutes but no more than 6 minutes in length.  Therefore, it is important that you practice this in advance and time yourself.  The topics are based on the "Themen" covered in Kapitel 11.  The questions below are by no means the only ones you can answer.  Please feel free to structure your own presentation as you think appropriate and communicative: 

1.  Choose a sport listed in Thema 1 (p. 208), one which you have personally engaged in.  What does one need to do this sport, where can one do this in the Bay Area or wherever you lived  when you did this sport.  What are the basic rules, is there a team, how many?  What does it cost to be engaged in this sport?  What sort of clothing do you wear?  How often do you do this?  These are just some of the questions you could incorporate.  Photos, websites, props are encouraged and will bring added value to your presentation.   2.  Choose a hobby or other pleasurable engagement as listed in Schritt 1, p. 210.  What does one need to do this hobby, where can one do this in the Bay Area or wherever you lived  when you did this hobby (if you no longer have this particular one).  What are the costs involved?  Do you need any special equipment, clothing?  How often do you do this?  Why do you like this hobby?  These are just some of the questions you could incorporate.  Photos, websites, props are encouraged and will bring added value to your presentation. 

German 2A: General topics for final exam

This exam will cover material from Kapitel 8-11:

1.  Listening section on the topic of Freizeit

2.  Vocabulary identification

3.  Giving Directions (3 out of 4 options)  Review especially the vocabulary and phrases on pp. 268 and 269.  Don't try to be creative with this section, stay within the lines!

4.  Expressing comparisons: the superlative form

5.  Attributive adjectives in the comparative and superlative.

6.  Conjunctions:  subordinating.  Combine two sentences.  Study word order.

7.  Simple past (imperfect)

           The strong verbs that you will need to memorize the simple past tense forms are:
                     a. kommen
                     b. essen
                     c.  fahren
                     d. gehen
                     e.  schreiben
                     f.  schlafen
                     g.  bleiben
                     h.  trinken
                     i.  laufen
                     j.  nehmen
                     k. sehen

also know the simple past of: haben, sein, and the modals.   To review simple past of modals, see the chart on page 196, Kapitel 6.  They are formed similarly to weak verbs, but lose the umlauts, where they have occurred in the present tense.  The "ich" and the "er,sie, es" form are identical.

8.  Attributive adjective endings !!  Review a similar section on the Kapitel 9 test.  Note the errors that you made there and make mental notes.

9.  Reflexive pronouns

10.  Genitive case

11.  Genitive prepositions

12.  Relative pronouns and clauses.  Review what the pronouns are and how the clauses are formed.

13.  A reading passage with comprehension questions

There will not be a writing passage!

German 2A/10C: Assignment for 5/11/15: Kapitel 7

Kapitel 11, Thema 3, p. 328

Study the ad and answer the questions.  Complete sentences are preferred!  

Study Neue Wörter, p. 329, then order the sentences under "Eine Bewerbung" as per the instructions.  

Akt. 8, complete with the correct vocabulary.  

Listen to Akt. 9 and check answers.  

Akt. 10 will be done in class.  Please prepare.  

Akt. 11, p. 330.  Look at the "Lebenslauf" and write Schritt 2, using the information obtained from the questions in Schritt 1.  


P. 340: read about negation w/noch nicht ... Note that these are fine distinctions being made.  

Übungen 10 and 11 will be done in class.  Prepare answers. 

Complete the following sections of the Kapitel 11 test: 

II: A, B 
VI: Kulture

Review of assigned sections of Kapitel 11 test.  

The topics for the final for 2A and 10C will be posted separately. 

The "Schultüte" in Germany and Neighboring Countries. What is it? How Can I get one?

A "Schultüte" (or School Cone, even though the word "Tüte" translates more as "bag" from German), often also called Zuckertüte ("sugar bag", especially in Eastern Germany) is a paper (and later plastic) bag in form of a big cone.
When children in GermanyThe Czech Republic, close to the borders with Germany,[1] and Austria set off for their first day in school upon entering first grade, their parents and/or grandparents present them with a big cardboard cone, prettily decorated and filled with toyschocolatecandies, school supplies, and various other goodies. It is given to children to make this anxiously awaited first day of school a little bit sweeter.  After the reunification of East and West, it was discovered that 85 cm. was the preferred length of the Schultüte in the East, while in the West, it was 70 cm!   Read more about the history here.  You can order your very own Schultüte on Amazon.de