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Frau Pahl back in the day |
Monday, September 29, 2014
German 2A or 2B: Office Hour on Monday, 9/29/14 at 4:50
German 2B: Assignment for 10/6/14 and Test Topics - Kapitel 11
Continue working on, and self-correcting, the workbook and lab manual. Lab manual need not be self-corrected, but it would be helpful to do so, if you have the time and want to make the effort.
For 10/6:
The class will meet at 6 p.m. and cover assignment made to be submitted via Insight or CCSF email by 9/29.
In addition, watch the video for Kapitel 11, p. 341 (this was also an Insight assignment) and fill in blanks for A, B, jot down answers for C and D.
To practice relative pronouns, go here and do this exercise. We will review in class:
The general site for relative pronoun exercises is here
The handout I gave out last time was a composite of a couple of these exercises, but you will have to click through to find them!
The test will be given after the break.
Test topics:
Use "Das kann ich nun", p. 347 as a general guideline. Study the Wortschatz, make flashcards if that is helpful.
Here are the basic contours of the test for Kap. 11:
Listening Section: Topic: "Ein Lebenslauf"
Career-related vocabulary identification
Written: 25-30 words describing the process of looking for a job. Some vocabulary is provided. It would be helpful to review especially Thema 3, esp. Eine Bewerbung, p. 329 and the Neue Wörter on that page.
Grammatik: relative pronouns
future tense
"was für" construction
Reading comprehension: short paragraph, true/false, two written Q&A
Ein Lebenslauf. Sie bewerben sich um einen Platz als Austauschstudent/Austauschstudentin
in Österreich. Dafur müssen Sie einen kurzen Text über sich selbst schreiben. Beschreiben Sie in Ihrem Text:
• Ihre Schulausbildung
• Ihre Berufsausbildung oder Berufserfahrungen (work experience)
• Ihre Interessen
Ihr Text sollte 50–60 Wörter lang sein. (20 Punkte)
You may gather your vocabulary together, prepare some answers, but written notes may not be used during the test!
For 10/6:
The class will meet at 6 p.m. and cover assignment made to be submitted via Insight or CCSF email by 9/29.
In addition, watch the video for Kapitel 11, p. 341 (this was also an Insight assignment) and fill in blanks for A, B, jot down answers for C and D.
To practice relative pronouns, go here and do this exercise. We will review in class:
The general site for relative pronoun exercises is here
The handout I gave out last time was a composite of a couple of these exercises, but you will have to click through to find them!
The test will be given after the break.
Test topics:
Use "Das kann ich nun", p. 347 as a general guideline. Study the Wortschatz, make flashcards if that is helpful.
Here are the basic contours of the test for Kap. 11:
Listening Section: Topic: "Ein Lebenslauf"
Career-related vocabulary identification
Written: 25-30 words describing the process of looking for a job. Some vocabulary is provided. It would be helpful to review especially Thema 3, esp. Eine Bewerbung, p. 329 and the Neue Wörter on that page.
Grammatik: relative pronouns
future tense
"was für" construction
Reading comprehension: short paragraph, true/false, two written Q&A
Ein Lebenslauf. Sie bewerben sich um einen Platz als Austauschstudent/Austauschstudentin
in Österreich. Dafur müssen Sie einen kurzen Text über sich selbst schreiben. Beschreiben Sie in Ihrem Text:
• Ihre Schulausbildung
• Ihre Berufsausbildung oder Berufserfahrungen (work experience)
• Ihre Interessen
Ihr Text sollte 50–60 Wörter lang sein. (20 Punkte)
German 2A: Test topics for Kapitel 7 test on 10/6
Class will meet at 6:00 p.m. in the classroom. Please bring your completed workbook and lab manuals. It is indisputable that thorough completion, with self-corrections, on these workbooks will enhance your learning the chapter material and help you do well on the test.
Here is an online exercise to review the present perfect:
Present perfect
Study for the test on 10/6. The section "Das Kann ich Nun" is a helpful guide to the chapter (p. 233).
Here are the general contours of the test:
Listening section on "Freizeit" and "Das Wetter".
Matching activities with locations
Present Perfect
Coordinating Conjunctions
Reading passage
Writing: To prepare your thoughts and vocabulary, here is the topic of the "Schreiben" section. You may not, however, use any notes you might make during the test!
Here is an online exercise to review the present perfect:
Present perfect
Study for the test on 10/6. The section "Das Kann ich Nun" is a helpful guide to the chapter (p. 233).
Here are the general contours of the test:
Listening section on "Freizeit" and "Das Wetter".
Matching activities with locations
Present Perfect
Coordinating Conjunctions
Reading passage
Writing: To prepare your thoughts and vocabulary, here is the topic of the "Schreiben" section. You may not, however, use any notes you might make during the test!
Schreiben Sie einen kurzen Aufsatz (short essay) (40–50 Wörter)
Im Perfekt (present perfect tense).
Schreiben Sie, was Sie letzten Sommer gemacht haben, wo Sie gewesen sind, usw.
Schreiben Sie, was Sie letzten Sommer gemacht haben, wo Sie gewesen sind, usw.
Zum Spaß können Sie das Wochenende aus der Perspektive einer interessanten Person oder Figur
schreiben. (20 Punkte)
Monday, September 22, 2014
German 2A/2B: Assignments for Week of 9/22-9/29. Note due date via Insight for 2B
German 2A: For review in class on 9/29. Note: no test 9/29. Instead, the 2A students will come in on 10/6 at 6 p.m. to take the test for Kapitel 7 only. Students may leave upon finishing the test and, of course, handing in the self-corrected workbooks and lab manuals. The lab manual does not need to be self-corrected.
The topics for the text, Kap. 7, willl be posted on 9/29, along with a short assignment to complete for class,
The topics for the text, Kap. 7, willl be posted on 9/29, along with a short assignment to complete for class,
Office hour on 9/29 in the classroom, 4:50-5:50.
Continue to study "das Wetter", "Sportarten" and "Hobbys: vocabulary
Review the present perfect tense, pp. 217--222.
Using the verbs given in the text box on p. 221, Übung 7, write your own short summary of a restaurant that you went to in the past. Use at least 7 verbs in the present perfect tense.
Sprache im Kontext:
Zum Thema: Lesen, p. 229
A. Jot down short answers
B. Compare your leisure activities with Germans, based on graphic on page 207.
Grammatik im Kontext:
Read Mixed verbs, p. 223 and take note of common verbs in this category.
Read p. 223: Past Participles of Verbs w/Prefixes. Note that they can either be strong or weak verbs.
Note especially top of p. 224.
Übung 10: fill in blanks, Schritt 1, 2
Übung 11, p. 225: select the correct past participle
Übung 12, p. 225: Be prepared to discuss in class and tell about 3 activities.
P. 226: review note at bottom of p. 226, "als" and write sentences for Übung 14. Note that your answers to 5-7 will depend on actual weather conditions.
Read Expressing Equality, p. 228 and write 7 sentences for Übung 15.
Übung 16: Be prepared to have a conversation in class on 9/29.
GERMAN 2B: Due in Insight on 9/30
Continue working on workbook/lab manual to hand in on 10/6. Self-correct workbook in a different color of ink.
Note: Please complete the Akt. assigned by typing up or writing the correct answers and handing in on Insight.
Thema 3, p. 328
Study the ad and answer the questions. Complete sentences are preferred!
Study Neue Wörter, p. 329, then order the sentences under "Eine Bewerbung" as per the instructions.
Akt. 8, complete with the correct vocabulary.
Listen to Akt. 9 and check answers.
Akt. 10 will be done in class. Please prepare.
Akt. 11, p. 330. Look at the "Lebenslauf" and write Schritt 2, using the information obtained from the questions in Schritt 1.
P. 340: read about negation w/noch nicht ...
Übungen 10 and 11 will be done in class. Prepare answers. You need not write anything to post on Insight for these two.
The topics for the text, Kap. 11, will be posted on 9/29, along with a short assignment to complete for class, which will be 1/2 usual length, then the test after the break.
Listen to Akt. 9 and check answers.
Akt. 10 will be done in class. Please prepare.
Akt. 11, p. 330. Look at the "Lebenslauf" and write Schritt 2, using the information obtained from the questions in Schritt 1.
P. 340: read about negation w/noch nicht ...
Übungen 10 and 11 will be done in class. Prepare answers. You need not write anything to post on Insight for these two.
The topics for the text, Kap. 11, will be posted on 9/29, along with a short assignment to complete for class, which will be 1/2 usual length, then the test after the break.
German 2B Students: Űbung macht den Meister - Additional Practice with Relative Pronouns and Sentences
For German 2B students: Click here to access some self-correcting exercises from GROW (German Resources on the Web) for extra practice with relative pronouns. The first three are especially good, you can choose from masc., fem., neuter and mixed categories.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
The Gesamtschule in Germany - An Alternative System
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Gesamtschule in Germany |
The Gesamtschule: Comprehensive schools that offer college preparatory classes. Germany has a comprehensive school known as the Gesamtschule. While some German schools such as the Gymnasium and the Realschule have rather strict entrance requirements, the Gesamtschule does not have such requirements. They offer college preparatory classes for the students who are doing well, general education classes for average students, and remedial courses for those who aren't doing that well. In most cases students attending a Gesamtschule may graduate with the Hauptschulabschluss, the Realschulabschluss or the Abitur depending on how well they did in school. The percentage of students attending a Gesamtschule varies by Bundesland. In the State of Brandenburg more than 50% of all students attended a Gesamtschule in 2007,[1] while in the State of Bavaria less than 1% did. Starting in 2010/2011, Hauptschulen were merged with Realschulen and Gesamtschulen to form a new type of comprehensive school in the German States of Berlin and Hamburg, called Stadtteilschule in Hamburg and Sekundarschule in Berlin (see: Education in Berlin, Education in Hamburg). Germany's most famous Gesamtschulen are the Helene-Lange-School in Wiesbaden and the Laborschule Bielefeld.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
German 2A/2B: Assignments for Week of 9/15-22. Note due date for German 2A.
German 2A: Due via Insight or email (lpahl@ccsf.edu) w/Word doc on 9/23
Read, “Negating Sentences”, pp. 339-340 and write answers to Ȕbung 9
For additional practice with relative pronouns and clauses, check out these exercises:
Please work on the workbook/lab manual for Kap 11, to hand in on 10/6. Be sure to self-correct, using the answer key in the back of the workbook, and using a different color of ink.
Students should already be working on Kapitel 7 workbook and lab manual. If you didn't complete it for German 1B, please do so now to hand in on the evening of the test. The lab manual and workbook reinforce the textbook material, so it's a win-win situation! And you will be well-prepared for the chapter test.
THEMA 3, p. 212
THEMA 3, p. 212
Die Jahreszeiten- Das Wetter
Write answers to A, 1-7 and correct B, 1-6, match with the pictures below.
Study Neue Woerter, p. 213 and Wortschatz, das Wetter, pp. 232-233. Make flashcards with Quia or some other program that you might know of for your smart phone.
Akt. 7, p. 214. Write correct alphabet answers, using the map as your reference.
Listen to Akt. 8, p. 215 and check answers. Be sure to note the temperatures.
Read "Landeskunde-Info", p. 215.
WRITE a few sentences for Akt. 9, p. 215 and POST them in a comment to this post. Be sure your name is somehow associated with the post, to receive credit.
THEN, write a brief weather report for your area, in "real time". These will be reviewed in class.
THEN, watch the short video (at the end of this page after the 2B assignment). Wie ist das Wetter im Video? Wolkig? sonnig? Was meinst du, wie ist die Tagestemperatur? Include your short description under the title: Ich mag das deutsche Wetter.
Grammatik im Kontext:
Read: Connecting Ideas: Coordinating conjunctions, p. 216. These 5 conjunctions function similarly to English.
Read: Expressing a contrast: aber vs. sondern, p. 216. This is a little trickier. Write the correct answers to Übung 1, p. 217. Read the sentences carefully. Ask yourself, is there a negative in the first contrasted element and are there two mutually exclusive ideas juxtiposed? Then you must use sondern!
Übung 2, p. 217. Write the correct answers in the blanks. Number the sentences and write the conjunctions.
German 2B: In class: Kapitel 11: Write answers to A, 1-7 and correct B, 1-6, match with the pictures below.
Study Neue Woerter, p. 213 and Wortschatz, das Wetter, pp. 232-233. Make flashcards with Quia or some other program that you might know of for your smart phone.
Akt. 7, p. 214. Write correct alphabet answers, using the map as your reference.
Listen to Akt. 8, p. 215 and check answers. Be sure to note the temperatures.
Read "Landeskunde-Info", p. 215.
WRITE a few sentences for Akt. 9, p. 215 and POST them in a comment to this post. Be sure your name is somehow associated with the post, to receive credit.
THEN, write a brief weather report for your area, in "real time". These will be reviewed in class.
THEN, watch the short video (at the end of this page after the 2B assignment). Wie ist das Wetter im Video? Wolkig? sonnig? Was meinst du, wie ist die Tagestemperatur? Include your short description under the title: Ich mag das deutsche Wetter.
Grammatik im Kontext:
Read: Connecting Ideas: Coordinating conjunctions, p. 216. These 5 conjunctions function similarly to English.
Read: Expressing a contrast: aber vs. sondern, p. 216. This is a little trickier. Write the correct answers to Übung 1, p. 217. Read the sentences carefully. Ask yourself, is there a negative in the first contrasted element and are there two mutually exclusive ideas juxtiposed? Then you must use sondern!
Übung 2, p. 217. Write the correct answers in the blanks. Number the sentences and write the conjunctions.
Material assigned for the week of 9/15 will also be covered at this time.
Thema 2, p. 324
Thema 2, p. 324
Read and study categories of employment, pp. 324-25 and write answers.
Study Neue Wörter, p. 325 and Wortschatz, p. 346
Write answers to Akt. 5, p. 326
Prepare answers to Akt. 7, to be done in class. Consult the list under "Erwartungen", p. 324 in jotting down your job requirements. Try associating some of these "Erwartungen" with the professions on p. 325, so that you can more easily recommend something to a classmate.
Grammatik im Kontext, p. 331
Read "The Future Tense", p. 331 and write 6 sentences for Übung 1
Read "Expressing Probability", p. 333, and prepare 3 "conversations" to review, Übung 2. Use "wohl" or "wahrscheinlich" in your answers.
Read “The Interrogative Pronoun was für (ein)”, p. 337 and read notes
Listen to Ȕbung 7, p. 338 and circle the correct answers.
Prepare correct form of "was für" to Ȕbung 8, p. 338 (z.B., Am liebsten lese ich Krimis.) to complete in class as questions to your classmates.
Read, “Negating Sentences”, pp. 339-340 and write answers to Ȕbung 9
For additional practice with relative pronouns and clauses, check out these exercises:
Please work on the workbook/lab manual for Kap 11, to hand in on 10/6. Be sure to self-correct, using the answer key in the back of the workbook, and using a different color of ink.
Monday, September 8, 2014
German 2A/2B Assignments. Note due dates for each one and whether they are to be submitted to Insight.
German 2A: These assignments will be reviewed in class on 9/15.
Kapitel 7: Freizeit und Sport
Read “Kostbare Zeit”, p. 207, Answer A, listen to B and answer questions.
Hobbys und andere Vergnügungen, p. 210, read, study, learn
Write answers to Schritt 1 and be prepared to tell the class: "In meiner Freizeit ...."
Thema 1, p. 208, read and study, prepare answers to B.
Study, repeat, learn: Wortschatz, pp. 232-233
Write Akt. 1.
Read Sprach-Info, p. 210
Akt. 2 will be done in class, prepare.
Listen to Akt. 3 and 6, p. 211 and follow instructions
Akt. 4 will be done in class.
Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 223 and prepare answers to the questions.
Read, study, familiarize yourself with "Das Wetter", bottom of p. 212.
Prepare 5-6 answers to Akt. 4 to complete in class as a conversation. Try using some new verbs and look up with past participle. .
Grammatik im Kontext:
Read and study: The Present Perfect Tense, p. 217-218 + Analyse
Read and study: Strong Verbs, p. 220
Read "The Use of haben or sein as auxiliary", pp. 221-222. Note, especially, that the majority of verbs will use "haben" + past participle in the present perfect tense. Note that "sein" is used with verbs that indicate movement from one place to another: gehen and fahren, for example. Another category of verbs that take "sein" are those that show a change in condition by showing a transition from one state of being to another or if they indicate a process. Got that? Here's an example:
First state of being Transition New state of being
ich bin wach (awake) ich schlafe ein ich schlafe
Thus, "einschlafen" requires "sein" in the present perfect, as it indicates a change in condition: Ich bin eingeschlafen. We will discuss this very engaging concept further in class.
2A will meet in class, so we will cover this material on 9/15, but when you do submit your assignments in Insight, you may either type them directly into the text box or as Word documents that you have created. Please identify the exercises. To make characters (umlauts, etc.) in Insight, click on the "Omega" symbol. In Word, go to "insert" tab and then "symbol".
Write answers to Übung 4, p. 219
Write answers to Üb 6, p. 221. Übung 7 will be done in class.
Übung 8, write down 1-8, correct answers only.
Read: "Expressing Comparisons", p. 226. Note especially the note re common adjectives and adverbs with irregular forms, such as gern > lieber, etc.
Übung 13, p. 227. Write answers only. Use the map in the Analyse, p. 227 as your reference.
If you look on the right sidebar of this blog, you will see some useful links. Check out Audacity for listening and recording your voice while practicing your German as you do the lab manual exercises, as well as a link to CCSF Insight, which you will be using on a weekly basis to participate in the "Forums". Begin this week (9/9) with the first Forum. You do not need to reply to three people this time, just post your response.
German 2B: Note to students: This assignment is to be submitted via your Insight account.* Look at the Week of 9/8-9/14 for the link to post your assignment. It will be due on 9/16. I will review and post comments if I see any "trouble spots". Assigned activities will also be done "live" in class on 9/22. There will be another assignment for the week of 9/15-21, which will be reviewed in class. * You may also email me the completed assignments as a Word doc to lpahl@ccsf.edu.
Kapitel 11:
Kapitel 11: Der Start in die Zukunft
Alles Klar? P. 321
Read and study, write answers to A. Listen to B and write answers
Thema 1, p. 322. Lesen Sie und kreuzen Sie an.
Study Neue Wörter, p. 322, and Wortschatz, p.p. 346-347
Listen to Akt. 1 and write answers Akt. 2. Write in complete sentences!
Write answers to Akt. 4, prepare answers with 2-3 sentences.
Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 327 and study the school system in Germany. This is also a
Forum topic. Answer the following question: Was halten Sie von einem Schulsystem mit drei verschiedenen Schulen?
Grammatik im Kontext:
The Relative Pronoun:
Read pp. 333-334 and study. Note that, with a few exceptions, the relative pronouns are identical to the definite article.
Read and study the notes. Note especially the placement of the conjugated verb.
Read Analyse, p. 335 and answer questions
Write answers to Übung 3. Just the pronoun is fine.
Übung 4: Prepare to do in class.
Übung 5: Write the correct pronouns. Note: prepositions used (which case? acc? dative?), the subject in the first clause (singular or plural? Male, female or neuter?)
Übung 6: Schritt 1: Write complete sentences by combining the two correct parts, referring to the visuals.
Schritt 2: Complete the sentences using the correct relative pronoun.
P. 337: Was für (ein). Read and study, note how different cases require different endings of "ein".
Übung 7, p. 338. Listen and mark the correct answers.
Übung 8: Will be done in class
Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 342 and answer questions.
Insight: Please log into your Insight account and make a post in the Forum for the week of 9/8 >
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
September 8, 2014: 1st Class at Mission Center, Room 454 (Bartlett Building)
Welcome to German 2A/2B! The first session will meet on Monday, September 8 at 6 p.m. at the Mission Center in Room 454. Please endeavor to bring your textbook, Deutsch: Na Klar! (6th ed.) to class, as we will being reviewing previous chapters. If you don't have the book, do order it now, along with the lab manual and workbook. Or, you can purchase it at the Mission Center or Downtown Bookstore, or at the Ocean Campus.
You can access the Fall 2014 syllabus by clicking on the link on the right. There is also new information about CCSF Insight, which will be used to post to a weekly forum.
Hope to see you all there on Monday, ready to learn about adjective endings and the subjunctive and much more!
Here is something to keep you inspired until then:
You can access the Fall 2014 syllabus by clicking on the link on the right. There is also new information about CCSF Insight, which will be used to post to a weekly forum.
Hope to see you all there on Monday, ready to learn about adjective endings and the subjunctive and much more!
Here is something to keep you inspired until then:
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