Sunday, September 14, 2014

German 2A/2B: Assignments for Week of 9/15-22. Note due date for German 2A.

German 2A:  Due via Insight or email ( w/Word doc on 9/23

Students should already be working on Kapitel 7 workbook and lab manual.  If you didn't complete it for German 1B, please do so now to hand in on the evening of the test.  The lab manual and workbook reinforce the textbook material, so it's a win-win situation!  And you will be well-prepared for the chapter test. 

THEMA 3, p. 212 

Die Jahreszeiten- Das Wetter 

Write answers to A, 1-7 and correct B, 1-6, match with the pictures below. 

Study Neue Woerter, p. 213 and Wortschatz, das Wetter, pp. 232-233.  Make flashcards with Quia or some other program that you might know of for your smart phone. 

Akt. 7, p. 214.  Write correct alphabet answers, using the map as your reference. 

Listen to Akt. 8, p. 215 and check answers.  Be sure to note the temperatures.  

Read "Landeskunde-Info", p. 215.  

WRITE a few sentences for Akt. 9, p. 215 and POST them in a comment to this post.  Be sure your name is somehow associated with the post, to receive credit.     

THEN, write a brief weather report for your area, in "real time".  These will be reviewed in class.

THEN,  watch the short video (at the end of this page after the 2B assignment).   Wie ist das Wetter im Video?  Wolkig?  sonnig?  Was meinst du, wie ist die Tagestemperatur?  Include your short description under the title: Ich mag das deutsche Wetter.    

Grammatik im Kontext: 

Read: Connecting Ideas: Coordinating conjunctions, p. 216.  These 5 conjunctions function similarly to English.  

Read: Expressing a contrast: aber vs. sondern, p. 216.  This is a little trickier.  Write the correct answers to Übung 1, p. 217.  Read the sentences carefully.  Ask yourself, is there a negative in the first contrasted element and are there two mutually exclusive ideas juxtiposed?  Then you must use sondern! 

Übung 2, p. 217.  Write the correct answers in the blanks.  Number the sentences and write the conjunctions.

German 2B: In class: Kapitel 11: 

Material assigned for the week of 9/15 will also be covered at this time. 

Thema 2, p. 324

Read and study categories of employment, pp. 324-25 and write answers.

Study Neue Wörter, p. 325 and Wortschatz, p. 346

Write answers to Akt. 5, p. 326

Prepare answers to Akt. 7, to be done in class.  Consult the list under "Erwartungen", p. 324 in jotting down your job requirements.  Try associating some of these "Erwartungen" with the professions on p. 325, so that you can more easily recommend something to a classmate.   
Grammatik im Kontext, p. 331 

Read "The Future Tense", p. 331 and write 6 sentences for Übung 1

Read "Expressing Probability", p. 333, and prepare 3 "conversations" to review, Übung 2.  Use "wohl" or "wahrscheinlich" in your answers.  

Read “The Interrogative Pronoun was für (ein)”, p. 337 and read notes

Listen to Ȕbung 7, p. 338 and circle the correct answers.  

Prepare correct form of "was für" to Ȕbung 8, p. 338 (z.B., Am liebsten lese ich Krimis.) to complete in class as questions to your classmates.   

Read, “Negating Sentences”, pp. 339-340 and write answers to Ȕbung 9

For additional practice with relative pronouns and clauses, check out these exercises

Please work on the workbook/lab manual for Kap 11, to hand in on 10/6.  Be sure to self-correct, using the answer key in the back of the workbook, and using a different color of ink.  


  1. Ich komme aus Michigan. Dort ist das Wetter im Sommer oft heiß und schwül. Im Frühling ist es warm un regnerisch. Und im Winter einfrieren es.
