Monday, August 31, 2015

Willkommen! German 2A/10C at CCSF - Fall 2015

Welcome to German 2A/10C!  The first session will meet on Monday, September 14 at 6 p.m. at the Downtown Center in Room 623.  The room has been changed to one next door so that a DVD player is available.  Please endeavor to bring your textbook, Deutsch: Na Klar! (6th ed.) to class, as we will be reviewing previous chapters (5, 6, 7) before launching into Kapitel 8.  If you don't have the textbook, do order it right away, along with the lab manual and workbook.  Or, you can purchase it at the Downtown Bookstore, or at the Ocean Campus.  Even better, order from Amazon or Half-price Books.  The textbook and lab manual and workbook are also on reserve at the Ocean Campus library, the Downtown Center library and the Mission Center library.  However, you may not take the material out of the library.          

You can access the Fall 2015 syllabus by clicking on the link on the right.  There is also information about CCSF Insight, which will be used to post to a weekly forum.  

Hope to see you all there on Monday, ready to learn about reflexive and relative pronouns, and, yes, adjective endings, as well as many interesting topics such as keeping healthy and fit, making hotel and travel reservations, and the wonderful world of work!  

Here is something to keep you inspired until then:  


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