German 2A - Assignment for 4/7 and 4/14/14 - Kapitel 9
Please note: there are "extra" assignments due to the spring break and also the holiday on 4/7. We will cover all the material on 4/14. The test for Kapitel 9 will be on 4/21.
Continue working on lab manual/workbook for Kapitel 9 to hand in on 4/21. There is a high correlation between doing well on the tests and having thoroughly gone through the workbook and lab manual. So ...
Thema 2: Im Hotel, p. 265
Listen to dialog, study Neue Wörter, p. 265 and write a short summary (4-5) sentences based on the dialog "Im Hotel in which you give information about the wer, was, wie, warum, etc.
and then complete "Bilden Sie Sätze".
Akt. 3, p. 266: complete sentences
Akt. 4, p. 266: study pictures and write a sentence for each one. Then, rewrite the story using the present perfect tense. (present perfect tense was covered in Kapitel
Go to this website: Click on the German flag in the upper right hand corner to read the site auf deutsch. Choose a hostel or a hotel and write 6-7 sentences (in German) describing the hotel, using the vocabulary from Kap. 9. Include the price of a room, what kind of services are available, location, etc. Click on "Freizeitzangebote" and include a few places you'd like to visit in your report. Try to include a couple of uses of the genitive case, for good measure. And, be sure to watch the short video included for the hostels to get a sense of what it looks like!
Grammatik m Kontext, p. 271
Read and study information, charts on p. 271. How does the genitive case function in a sentence, how is it formed?
Read and study "Proper Names in the Genitive", p. 272
Read Analyse and answer questions
Write answers to Übungen 1, 2
Write answers to Übung 3, p. 273, Schritt 1, 2
Übung 4 will be done in class.
Read "Prepositions in the Genitive", p. 273, and write answers to Übung 5, p. 274
Send in an email to me at by 4/8 the following (either in body of text or as a Word attachment:
Answers to: Übungen 1, 2, 4, 5 (prepositions only are fine). This is an assignment that will be credited. I am also assigning it as we miss that extra class and I would like to see how you are understanding the genitive case.
Please note: there are "extra" assignments due to the spring break and also the holiday on 4/7. We will cover all the material on 4/14. The test for Kapitel 9 will be on 4/21.
Continue working on lab manual/workbook for Kapitel 9 to hand in on 4/21. There is a high correlation between doing well on the tests and having thoroughly gone through the workbook and lab manual. So ...
Thema 2: Im Hotel, p. 265
Listen to dialog, study Neue Wörter, p. 265 and write a short summary (4-5) sentences based on the dialog "Im Hotel in which you give information about the wer, was, wie, warum, etc.
and then complete "Bilden Sie Sätze".
Akt. 3, p. 266: complete sentences
Akt. 4, p. 266: study pictures and write a sentence for each one. Then, rewrite the story using the present perfect tense. (present perfect tense was covered in Kapitel
Go to this website: Click on the German flag in the upper right hand corner to read the site auf deutsch. Choose a hostel or a hotel and write 6-7 sentences (in German) describing the hotel, using the vocabulary from Kap. 9. Include the price of a room, what kind of services are available, location, etc. Click on "Freizeitzangebote" and include a few places you'd like to visit in your report. Try to include a couple of uses of the genitive case, for good measure. And, be sure to watch the short video included for the hostels to get a sense of what it looks like!
Thema 3, p. 267
Write answers to A
Identify one historical location on the map of the Lutherstadt Wittenberg and write 3-5 sentences (in German!) about that location, be it a building, a tree, a museum, a church. Just as a suggestion: tell us how old the place/building is, if it’s a museum, what are the hours. Just a couple of ideas.
For everyone to do: From the vantage of the I (information) kiosk, write directions for a tourist to your chosen destination. Tip: you might want to study the Neue Wörter, p. 268 for suggestions for giving directions, or look first at “Redemittel”, p. 269.
Listen to “Nach dem Weg fragen”, p. 268. Study Neue Wörter. Write answers to B.
Listen to Akt. 5 and fill in dialog blanks
Be prepared to do Akt. 6 in class.
Akt 7: Using “Redemittel”, p. 269, Write 3 exchanges between 2 people, as in the example. Choose 3 different locations for which you ask directions and also give a reply. This is based on the Stadtplan von Wittenberg, p. 267.
Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 270. Be able to give two responses to the first question: Was sind zwei wichtige Daten in der Geschichte Ihrer Stadt”? A "Kultur" question about this Landeskunde-Info will be on the chapter test for Kap 9.
Akt 8: Post directions on this blog by 4/8 in which you give directions from the CCSF Downtown campus to three locations in SF of your choice. Make good use of the "directional" vocabulary introduced in Kapitel 9. This will be marked as an assignment and credit given for those who follow through.
Grammatik m Kontext, p. 271
Read and study “Adjectives after an Indefinite Article”
Übung 10, write adjective endings for blanks
Übung 11, be prepared to do in class
Read “Adjectives without a Preceding Article”
Übung 12, write answers. Read the directions before beginning!
Übung 13, listen and fill in blanks, Texts 1 and 2
EXTRA PRACTICE with adjective endings:
This exercise covers the three categories of adjective endings: after a definite article, after an indefinite, and unpreceded, so it will really benefit to work through this. Try doing this without looking back and forth to the charts. Go with what you know: look at case, gender, number (i.e. singular or plural). Ask yourself: Is the noun preceded by a definite or an indefinite article, or no article at all? Fill it out and check your answers. Bring to class on 4/14 and we will review.
The Genitive CaseEXTRA PRACTICE with adjective endings:
This exercise covers the three categories of adjective endings: after a definite article, after an indefinite, and unpreceded, so it will really benefit to work through this. Try doing this without looking back and forth to the charts. Go with what you know: look at case, gender, number (i.e. singular or plural). Ask yourself: Is the noun preceded by a definite or an indefinite article, or no article at all? Fill it out and check your answers. Bring to class on 4/14 and we will review.
Read and study information, charts on p. 271. How does the genitive case function in a sentence, how is it formed?
Read and study "Proper Names in the Genitive", p. 272
Read Analyse and answer questions
Write answers to Übungen 1, 2
Write answers to Übung 3, p. 273, Schritt 1, 2
Übung 4 will be done in class.
Read "Prepositions in the Genitive", p. 273, and write answers to Übung 5, p. 274
Send in an email to me at by 4/8 the following (either in body of text or as a Word attachment:
Answers to: Übungen 1, 2, 4, 5 (prepositions only are fine). This is an assignment that will be credited. I am also assigning it as we miss that extra class and I would like to see how you are understanding the genitive case.
1. Downtown CCSF Campus to California Academy of Sciences
ReplyDeleteGehen Sie hier (CCSF Campus) die Missionstraße entlang. Dann biegen Sie rechts in die Neunstestraße ein. Gehen Sie geradeaus bis zur Hayesstraße entlang. Dann biegen Sie links in die Octaviastraße ein. Dann biegen Sie fast sofort rechts in die Fellstraße ein. Gehen Sie geradeaus bis zur John F Kennedy Drive entlang. Gehen Sie immer geradeaus bis zur Kezar Drive entlang. Dann biegen Sie links in die Kezar Drive ein. Gehen Sie geradeaus da in die Lincoln Way entlang. Dann biegen Sie rechts in die Neuntse Avenue. Gehen Sie geradeaus da in die
Martin Luther King Jr Drive entlang. Dann biegen Sie rechts in die Musik Concourse Drive, und gehen Sie geradeaus bis zur California Academy of Science. Es wird nach rechts liegen.
2. Downtown CCSF Campus to DNA Lounge
Gehen Sie hier dieVierstestraße entlang. Dann biegen Sie rechts in die Howardstraße ein. Gehen Sie immer geradeaus bis zur Elftestraße. Dann biegen Sie links in die Elftestraße ein. Gehen Sie die Elftestraße entlang. Es wird nach links liegen.
3. Downtown CCSF Campus to Ocean CCSF Campus
Gehen Sie hier in die Viertestraße bis zur Kingstraße entlang. Dann biegen Sie rechts in die Kingstraße ein. Gehen Sie geradeaus bis zur I-280 S. Dann gehen Sie immer geradeaus in die I-280 S bis zur Ocean Avenue entlang. Dann biegen Sie rechts in die Ocean Avenue ein. Gehen Sie in die Ocean Avenue bis zur Phelan Avenue entlang. Dann biegen Sie rechts in die Phelan Avenue. Es wird nach rechts liegen, und es liegt gegenüber vom CCSF Bookstore Annex und Chasing Lions.
Gut gemacht! Sehr ausführlich. Nur: besser wäre: Vierte Strasse, Neunte Strasse, usw.
Delete(Entschuldigung, Ich habe doch Spring Break genommen, das wegen bin ich verspaetet). --Nicole
ReplyDeleteCCSF bis Dolores Park:
Gehen sie zu Fuss auf die Valencia Strasse entlang, richtung Market Strasse, bis zu Zwanzigste Strasse. Biegen Sie links ein und geh immer geradeaus bis zu Dolores Strasse. Dolores Strasse ueberqueren, das Park liegt auf die rechte Seite.
CCSF bis Walzwerk:
Gehen Sie zu Fuss oder Fahrrad auf die Valencia Strasse, richtung Marketstrasse, entlang bis zur Sechszehnte Strasse. Biegen Sie rechts ein bis zur Sued Van Ness. Sued Van Ness queren und links gehen. Walzwerk steht nach Fuenfzehnte Strasse auf die rechte Seite. Wenn Sie angst fuer Sechszehnte Strasse habe, Sie koennen die Achtzehnte Strasse nehmen bis zur Sued Van Ness.
CCSF bis Suppenkueche:
Mit Fahrrad, gehen Sie suf die Valencia Strasse entlang, richtung Market Strasse, bis zu McCoppin Allee. Biegen Sie links ein und der kleinen Fahrradweg bis zu Market Strasse nehmen. Market Strasse ueberqueren, und auf die Octavia Strasse immer geradeaus fahren. Biegen Sie kurz links ein bis zur Laguna Strasse. Suppenkueche steht an die Ecke von Hayes und Laguna.
Keine Ursache! Ein Paar Korregierungen: "Auf der rechten Seiten", "deswegen" genitive preposition!