Continue working on the workbook and lab manual for Kapitel 9; they are due on 4/21 and will also help you to review for the test. I have noticed that students who are very thorough with the workbook and lab generally do well on the chapter tests.
Be prepared to do Übung 14, p. 280 in class.
From last week:
To review all categories of adjective endings, do this exercise, print out and bring to class next week.
Check your answers, review and we will review anything tricky that people encountered.
Sprache im Kontext:
Watch the video, p. 282. You can access the video here:
Complete A, B, and C, p. 282.
A. Write a few short responses: Vorteile und Nachteile
Auf den ersten Blick:
A. Complete. The simple past will be introduced in the next chapter. For now, try to put the two together: infinitive and simple past form.
Read: Die Gitarre des Herrn Hatunoglu. But FIRST, look at B, p. 285 and keep the questions in mind.
Complete B, C, and D, p. 285.
For D: "interview" Herr Hatunoglu and one other person in the story. Write at least 3 questions addressed to each person.
To review adjective endings, try these:
Study for the test, Kapitel 9:
Use "Das Kann ich nun", p. 287 as a guide (disregard #7)
1. Listening section: Follow directions
2. Be able to write directions to two locations on a city map. Study vocabulary in Nach dem Weg fragen, p. 268 to prepare, as well as "Redemittel", p. 269, Akt. 7.
3. Know vocabulary pertaining to things to be found in a city.
4. Genitive case questions
5. Genitive prepositions questions
6. Adjective endings.
7. Reading passage w/questions.
8. Schreiben: Prepare to write 50-60 words on the following:
9. Culture questions based on Landeskunde-Info assigned to read.
Be prepared to do Übung 14, p. 280 in class.
From last week:
From the vantage of the I (information) kiosk, write directions for a tourist to your chosen destination. Tip: you might want to study the Neue Wörter, p. 268 for suggestions for giving directions, or look first at “Redemittel”, p. 269.
(this will be helpful in reviewing for the test, as well).
Akt. 6 and Akt. 8: be prepared to do in class.
Übung 14, p. 280: in class, if timw
To review all categories of adjective endings, do this exercise, print out and bring to class next week.
Check your answers, review and we will review anything tricky that people encountered.
Sprache im Kontext:
Watch the video, p. 282. You can access the video here:
Complete A, B, and C, p. 282.
A. Write a few short responses: Vorteile und Nachteile
Auf den ersten Blick:
A. Complete. The simple past will be introduced in the next chapter. For now, try to put the two together: infinitive and simple past form.
Read: Die Gitarre des Herrn Hatunoglu. But FIRST, look at B, p. 285 and keep the questions in mind.
Complete B, C, and D, p. 285.
For D: "interview" Herr Hatunoglu and one other person in the story. Write at least 3 questions addressed to each person.
To review adjective endings, try these:
Study for the test, Kapitel 9:
Use "Das Kann ich nun", p. 287 as a guide (disregard #7)
1. Listening section: Follow directions
2. Be able to write directions to two locations on a city map. Study vocabulary in Nach dem Weg fragen, p. 268 to prepare, as well as "Redemittel", p. 269, Akt. 7.
3. Know vocabulary pertaining to things to be found in a city.
4. Genitive case questions
5. Genitive prepositions questions
6. Adjective endings.
7. Reading passage w/questions.
8. Schreiben: Prepare to write 50-60 words on the following:
Ein Rundgang durch die
Stadt. Ihr deutscher Freund / Ihre deutsche Freundin besucht Sie in Ihrer Heimatstadt.
Zeigen Sie ihm/ihr Ihre Stadt und schreiben Sie seine/ihre Beobachtungen (observations) auf (50–60 Wörter).
Benutzen Sie mindestens fünf Adjektive in Ihren Beschreibungen. (20 Punkte)
mögliche themen
• den Weg durch die Stadt
• bestimmte Gebäude (buildings) und Sehenswürdigkeiten (tourist attractions), die sie sehen
• Gebäude in Ihrer
Nachbarschaft (Schule, Kirche)
• etwas Historisches über die
Stadt oder wofür die Stadt bekannt
9. Culture questions based on Landeskunde-Info assigned to read.
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