Tuesday, February 17, 2015

German 2A/10C: Assignment for 3/2/15: Kapitel 9: In der Stadt

After completing the grammar assigned below, begin workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 9.  

Alles Klar? p. 261

Read A, and write answers for 1-5.  Was würdest du gern in Dresden machen?  Ein Museum besuchen?  Welches?  Oder machst du lieber einen Kneipenbummel?  

Listen to B and check answers.

Wörter im Kontext, p. 262

Thema 1.  Read and study ads, p. 262

Read Sprach-Info, p. 263

Check answers to A

Write answers to B and C, p. 263

Study Neue Wörter, pp. 262 & 263 and Wortschatz, pp. 286-287

Listen to Akt. 1, p. 264 and mark answers

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 264.  And prepare answers to the 2 questions.

Akt 2 will be done in class.  Prepare suggestions for 2 options for overnight stay, using information from each ad on page 262.  

Grammatik im Kontext, p. 275

The Genitive Case

Read and study information, charts on p. 271.  How does the genitive case function in a sentence, how is it formed?

Read and study "Proper Names in the Genitive", p. 272

Read Analyse and answer questions

Write answers to Übungen 1, 2

Write answers to Übung 3, p. 273, Schritt 1, 2

Übung 4 will be done in class.  Practice formulating your own sentences using the genitive case.  

Read "Prepositions in the Genitive", p. 273, and write answers to Übung 5, p. 274

Übung 6 will be done in class, but take the time to write down some directions for each of the destinations listed, taking note of how you say what is where.  Note that some of the phrases in the right-hand column will take genitive, some dative.  Pay attention to the prepositions used.  

For extra practice with the genitive case, click here.   It couldn't hurt! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Nur zum Spass!

See if you can guess what the "literal translation" into German is of these words (as they are translated from German into English, quite literally!)

German 2A/10C: Test/presentation topics for 2/23

 Study for test, Kap. 8.  Use "Das kann ich nun" , p. 259 as a guideline.  

2A: Test: General topics covered: 

Listening section, "Gesundheit" oder "Fitness" 
Review vocabulary for Gesundheit/Fitness
Body parts - know plural forms
Subordinating conjunctions
reflexive pronouns
reading passage

Schreiben:  To do at home to hand in:  50-60 word essay describing what you would do in order to get ready for a night out on the town.  Pay close attention to vocabulary, grammar, syntax, etc.  Use at least 5 reflexive verbs in your essay.    (20 points)  

Es ist Freitag abend.  Du hast Pläne, mit dem Freund/Mann/der Freudin/Frau auszugehen.  Oder dich mit Freunden zu treffen.  Wie bereitest du dich vor (sich vorbereiten = to ready, prepare oneself).  Was mußt du alles machen, dich für einen schönen Abend fertig zu machen?  Benutzen Sie dabei mindestens 4 Reflexivpronomen.
Kultur section based on one of the assigned Landeskunde-Info paragraphs.

10C: Presentation: 

Prepare a 3-minute presentation, with props, if possible, to make things more interesting on one of the following topics from Kapitel 8: 

Es ist Freitag abend.  Du hast Pläne, mit dem Freund/Mann/der Freudin/Frau auszugehen.  Oder dich mit Freunden zu treffen.  Wie bereitest du dich vor (sich vorbereiten = to ready, prepare oneself).  Was mußt du alles machen, dich für einen schönen Abend fertig zu machen?  Benutzen Sie dabei mindestens 4 Reflexivpronomen.


2.  Was machen Sie, wenn Sie krank sind?  Beschreiben Sie Ihre Beschwerden.  Wie fühlen Sie sich?  Beschreiben Sie, was Ihnen fehlt.  Welche Symptome haben Sie?  Siehe Seite 241. Benutzen Sie dabei mindestens 4 Reflexivpronomen. (use at least 4 reflexive pronouns). 

10C students' presentation will be assessed and graded according to the following criteria: 

1.  Ease of expression (gets across idea fully, minimal hesitation) 
2. Complexity (of sentence structure) 
3. Accuracy (of grammar, including use of 4 reflexive verbs)
4. Vocabulary  (precise words for the situation or paraphrse) 
5. Pronunciation  (rhythm and intonation are good for this level). 

German 2A/10C: Assignment for 2/23/15: Kapitel 8

Please note: There will be no class on Monday, 2/16/15, due to the Presidents' Day holiday.  

Continue to work on workbook/lab manual and self-correct the workbook, which will be collected on 2/23.  10C students will be required to hand in the lab section, as well as take the listening section of the test given to the 2A students.  After that, they may leave.  Test will be given after the break.  

Read:  Expressing Reciprocity, p. 252, read and write answers to:    

Übung 12, p. 252.  Write a short paragraph, using the vocabulary provided. 

Reposted: For extra practice with reflexive pronouns, go to: 


Watch the video for Kapitel 8.  Answer A, C, D, E, F.  You can access the video where you access the audio.     

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 253.  Kreuzen Sie an! (if not covered on 2/9)

Lesen, p. 254.  Check off the appropriate boxes and be prepared to compare your eating habits with a classmate.  

German 10C students will give their presentations before the break.  The topics to choose from are posted above this post.  Please email me with any questions.  Generally, you should plan a 3 minute presentation on your topic.  It is more interesting if you bring some "props" in whatever form, to accompany your presentation.  After each presentation, one or two of the 2A students will ask a question.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

German 2A/10C: Assignment for 2/9/15: Kapitel 8

Continue to work on workbook/lab manual, Kap 8 to hand in on 2/23, when the test will be given.  The general test topics will be posted on 2/16 (when class will not meet due to the holiday).  

Note: do the Grammatik im Kontext, p. 248 assignment regarding reflexive pronouns and verbs (see below) and then return to 

Thema 3, p. 242, Morgenroutine and answer A, B to practice reflexive verbs. 

Akt. 7: order the actions as appropriate. 

Akt. 8, will be done in class, but it would be helpful if you assemble the sentences in advance and have your own Morgenroutine written up to share with a classmate. 

Grammatik im Kontext, p. 248, Reflexive Pronouns and Verbs

Read this section carefully.  Note that the reflexive pronouns and verbs are used more extensively in German than in English.  Study especially the verbs that always and typically use an accusative reflexive pronoun, p. 249.  

Go here for a number of additional exercises with reflexive pronouns and sentences.  

Übung 8, p. 250, listen and mark the correct answer

Be prepared to answer the question:  Was findest du stressig?  Wie entspannst du dich? 

Read:  Verbs with reflexive pronouns in accusative or dative, p. 251.  Read carefully, bring questions to class if anything is not crystal clear!  Read also the two notes carefully. 

Übung 9, p. 251, write in correct reflexive pronouns 

Übung 10, p. 252: prepare and/or write your advice.