Continue working on workbook/lab manual to hand in on 4/21. Be sure to self-correct the workbook! Any assignments not reviewed in class on 4/13 will be completed on 4/21.
Thema 2, p. 295: Listen to “Im Reisebüro”. Study Neue Wörter and fill in blanks “Ergänzen Sie”.
Read Sprach-Info, p. 296
Read LandesKunde Info, p. 296 and prepare answers to the two questions
Read LandesKunde Info, p. 296 and prepare answers to the two questions
Write answers to Aktivität 5, p. 296, based on Thema 2 Gespräch
Listen to Akt 6, p. 297 and write answers to Wie?, Wohin?, Warum?, Wie lange?
Prepare your own “Urlaub” to tell the class about: answer the questions wie, wohin, warum, wie lange? und wie viel kostet das?
Then, based on the “Urlaub” you just planned, look at Akt. 7, be prepared to persuade a classmate to go on a trip with you.
Grammatik im Kontext:
Read and study, "The Past Perfect Tense", p. 311 and write answers to Übung 15.
It is simply using the past tense of "haben" or "sein" and the past participle, which you already are familiar with.
Pay special attention to the note about "bevor" and "nachdem" and how they are used to connect sentences.
Note: much of this is based on concepts you already know, but it might be helpful to review the present perfect, presented in Kapitel 7, pages 217 >.
Topics for test, Kapitel 10:
1. Listening section "Am Bahnhof."
2. Verkehrsmittel fill in blank
3. Two things you take on a trip to various locations
4. Fill in blanks: simple past, strong verbs and weak verbs. Strong verbs: know the simple past for: fliegen, kommen, schlafen, fahren, stehen, verstehen, verlieren, anfangen, gehen, lassen, sitzen, sprechen, finden. Know the formation of the simple past for weak verbs.
5. Fill in blanks: comparative and superlative
6. Reading passage and questions
7. Culture questions based on information in the assigned Landeskunde-Info.
8. For the writing section. A bit different this time: Here is the topic. This will be a take-home essay. Bring the completed 50-70 word passage to class to receive credit, (as due, considering vocabulary, correct grammatical useage, addressing the questions) on the test:
Wohin möchten Sie: Beschreiben Sie eine Reise, die Sie machen möchten and schreiben Sie etwas zu jedem der folgenden Bereiche:
- Wohin Sie möchten
- Warum Sie dieses Reiseziel (detination) wählen (was man dort unternehmen oder sehen kann)
- Wann Sie dorthin wollen
- Wie lange die Reise dauert, oder wie lange Sie dort bleiben
- Wie Sie dorthin kommen (z.B. Schiff, Flugzeug, ??)
- Was die Reise kostet (pro Person)
10C students: Prepare a presentation based on the above topic, including information addressing all of the questions of Wohin, warum, etc. Please pace your presentation so that it does not exceed 5 minutes. Some visuals of your destination would be an interesting addition to your presentation! I will have the laptop and projector available.
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