Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Assignment for 12/7/15: Review of Kapitel 8-10. Adjective ending review. Select videos from the "Learn German" series: fun and informative

The assignment for 12/7 is as follows:

1.  Review grammar and vocabulary for Kapitel 8-10 and email Frau Pahl if there is a certain area you would like to have extra review on.

2.  We will do the Katze und Maus adjective ending review in class.  Those of you who already did this will still benefit from "crowd sourcing" the answers on a clean slate.

3.  Frau Pahl will have some selected videos from the "Learn German" series.  Hopefully, the internet access will work in the classroom, if not, we can always just go next door.  If you have a favorite one, bring that title to class and we can view that, as well.

4.  Bring any recommendations for German or German influenced restaurants and we will look at the websites and the menus.

Bis Montag. 

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