Thursday, October 16, 2014

German 2A: Assignment for 10/20/14: Kapitel 8: Wie man fit und gesund bleibt

Continue to work on workbook/lab manual, Kap 8 to hand in on 10/27, when the test will be given.  See below for general test topics.  

Grammatik im Kontext, p. 248, Reflexive Pronouns and Verbs

Read this section carefully.  Note that the reflexive pronouns and verbs are used more extensively in German than in English.  Study especially the verbs that always use an accusative reflexive pronoun, p. 249.  

Go here for a number of additional exercises with relative pronouns and sentences.  

Übung 8, p. 250, listen and mark the correct answer

Be prepared to answer the question:  Was findest du stressig?  Wie entspannst du dich? 

Read:  Verbs with reflexive pronouns in accusative or dative, p. 251.  Read carefully, bring questions to class if anything is not crystal clear!  Read also the two notes carefully. 

Übung 9, p. 251, write in correct reflexive pronouns 

AFTER doing the above, go to Thema 3, p. 242, Morgenroutine and answer A, B to practice reflexive verbs. 

Akt. 7: order the actions as appropriate. 

Akt. 8, will be done in class. 


Übung 10, p. 252: prepare and/or write your advice.  

Übung 11, be prepared to do in class. 

Test next week.  Study for test, Kap. 8.  Use "Das kann ich nun" , p. 259 as a guideline.  

Test: Topics covered: 

Listening section, "Gesundheit" oder "Fitness" 
Review vocabulary for Gesundheit/Fitness
Body parts
Subordinating conjunctions
reflexive pronouns
reading passage

Schreiben:  50-60 word essay describing what a famous person (a list will be given) has to do in order to get ready for a night out on the town.  This can be prepared generically and adapted for a specific person. 

Kultur section based on one of the assigned Landeskunde-Info paragraphs

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