Continue to work on workbook and lab manual for Kapitel 12.
Thema 2, p. 354. Read and study. and write answers 1-8
Akt. 5, p. 355. Listen and fill in blanks
Additional question: Was ist dir in der Wohnung wichtig/unwichtig? Welcher Wohnungstyp ist dir am liebsten?
Additional question: Was ist dir in der Wohnung wichtig/unwichtig? Welcher Wohnungstyp ist dir am liebsten?
Akt. 6 will be done in class.
Akt. 7, p. 356
Schritt 1 and Schritt 2 (to share with a classmate)
Thema 3: (the rest of Thea 3 will be asigned for 10/27)
Thema 3: (the rest of Thea 3 will be asigned for 10/27)
Only C, p. 357. Familiarize yourself with the vocabulary and match the term to the definition.
Grammatik im Kontext, p. 363
Read carefully and study: The Present Subjunctive II, p. 363. The PSII is based on the simple past forms that you learned in Kapitel 10, so review if you think that will be helpful.
Note that you already know one subjunctive form: möchte. Remember that the subjunctive mood is used to express polite requests, convey wishful thinking (in English: if only I had studied more!) and express things that are contrary-to-fact.
Page 364: Übung 6. Write answers
Übung 7: rewrite statements/questions
Übung 8: Prepare statements 1-8
Reread the "Use of würde with an infinitive," p. 365 if still unclear from last week and bring questions to class, if any.
Read: Expressing Wishes .., p. 368 and write 5 of your own sentences expressing a wish in a hypothetical situation
For example: Wenn ich nur wüsste, ob es heute regnet. Dann würde ich meinen Regenschirm mitbringen.
Read: The Present Subjunctive II: strong and weak verbs, p. 366. BONUS FACT: for weak verbs, the PSII is identical (except the 3rd person sing ending) to the simple past tense, if you know one, you know the other! Note that, for most of these forms, you will encounter these mainly in writing, but a few common verbs such as: Gehen, kommen, fahren, and bleiben are still used. Otherwise, strong verbs are being replaced by würde + infinitive.
Übung 10, p. 367. Write answers that give “die Tatsache” of the contrary to fact statements.
Übung 11. Write answers. Be sure to check the simple past form of the strong verbs. See the note on page 366.
Read Sprach-Info, p. 368
Übung 12: write answers to the 4 situations pictured: 1) write a sentence describing the situation and then 2) write what you would do in that situation.
Read Talking about Contrary-to-Fact Conditions, p. 369
Übung 13, write 4 sentences per the example (add one noun to the list)
Übung 14. Write your own good advice for each “Problem” and make up one of your own with some advice. Be prepared to do this as an in-class activity.
Go here for some extra subjunctive practice.
Click here to check your understanding of what is subjunctive and what is indicative.
Go here for some extra subjunctive practice.
Click here to check your understanding of what is subjunctive and what is indicative.
Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 368 and be prepared to discuss the two questions. (Note: this will be the Kulture topic on the test, so don't miss it!)
Just for fun, if you have a moment: go to this website:
Welche 2 Jobangeboten findest du am interessantesten? Welche Jobs zahlen gut (mehr als 12 Euro), was für Jobs zahlen am wenigsten?
Test topics: Kapitel 12
Rewriting sentences in a more polite way
da and wo compounds
reading passage
Test topics: Kapitel 12
Study for test, Kap. 12. Use "Das kann ich nun" as a guideline, p. 377
Topics covered:
Listening section re: Haushalt/Monatliche Ausgaben
Fill in blank with "Wohnung" related vocabulary
Rewriting sentences in a more polite way
"wenn" + würde + infinitive
da and wo compounds
reading passage
Renovieren. Wenn Sie $5 000 bekämen, um Ihr Zimmer, Ihre Wohnung oder Ihr Haus zu renovieren, was würden Sie machen? Was würden Sie kaufen? Schreiben Sie 60–70 Wörter darüber. Benutzen Sie dabei den Konjunktiv (subjunctive). (20 Punkte)
Kultur questions based on one of the Landes-kunde info segments assigned
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