Monday, December 8, 2014

German 2B: Final Exam General Topics: 12/15/14 at 6:00 p.m.

1.  Listening section on the topic of television 

2.  Vocabulary (fill in blanks)  Know two adjectives each describing various types of television shows, similar to the test in Kapitel 13.  and 
      vocabulary: match words with definitions. 

3.  Subjunctive (Present Subjunctive II): know subjunctive forms for haben and sein, the würde + infinitive construction,  and how the Subjunctive II (present) is constructed.  

4.  Relative pronouns and clauses

5.  "Da" compounds

6.  "Wo" compounds

7.  Infinitive clause + zu

8.  Present passive voice

9.  Present passive with modals

10.  Using "man" as an alternative to passive

11.  A reading passage with questions

12.  Kultur: A and B, based on Landeskunde-Info assigned over the course of the semester.  

German 2A: Final Exam general topics for 12/15/14 at 6:00 p.m.

This exam will cover material from Kapitel 7-10:

1.  Listening section on the topic of Freizeit

2.  Vocabulary identification

3.  Giving Directions

4.  Comparative and superlative forms

5.  Conjunctions:  subordinating and coordinating

6.  Present perfect tense

7.  Simple past (imperfect)
           The strong verbs that you will need to memorize the simple past tense forms are:
                     a. kommen
                     b. essen
                     c.  fahren
                     d. gehen
                     e.  schreiben
                     f.  schlafen
                     g.  bleiben
                     h.  trinken
                     i.  laufen
                     j.  nehmen

also know the simple past of: haben, sein, and the modals.   To review simple past of modals, see the chart on page 196, Kapitel 6.  They are formed similarly to weak verbs, but lose the umlauts, where they have occurred in the present tense.  The "ich" and the "er,sie, es" form are identical.  

8.  Adjective endings !!  Review a similar section on the Kapitel 9 test.  Note the errors that you made there and make mental notes.

9.  Reflexive pronouns

10.  Genitive case

11.  Genitive prepositions

12.  A reading passage with comprehension questions

There will not be a writing passage.

Monday, December 1, 2014

German 2A: Assignment for 12/8/14: Kapitel 10

German 2A will meet at 7:35.

Continue working on workbook and lab manual for Kapitel 10.  Completed work will be collected on the evening of the final, 12/15/14.  No late workbooks will be accepted!  

Due to time constraints, we will skip Thema 2 in favor of Thema 3, as you are more likely to use the information in that Thema than the information in Thema 2.  

Thema 3: Eine Fahrkarte, bitte! (p. 298). 

Answer questions to: "Wo ist das", p. 298, study Neue Wörter

Listen to Am Fahrkartenschalter am Bahnhof, 

Write answers to Akt. 8, p. 299.  

Listen to Akt. 9, p. 299 and fill in the chart. 


Grammatik im Kontext:

Read "Analyse", p. 309 and identify all the verbs in the simple past.  Write them down in three columns: strong, weak and modal verbs.  Write the infinitives for all verbs.  Don't be concerned with the new past participles you might encounter.  

Read and study "Strong Verbs", p. 308.  Note that verbs that are strong in English (i.e. don't form the past tense with "ed") also tend to be strong in German.  However, these are ones that have to be memorized.   

Read "mixed verbs" and "Sprach-Info" (p. 309)

Fill in the blanks for Übung 12, p. 310 (this is based on the Analyse, p. 309) 

Write sentences for Übung 14.  Be sure to read Sprach-Info (p. 309) before doing this one. 

Read and study, "The Past Perfect Tense", p. 311 and write answers to 
Übung 15.  
It is simply using the past tense of "haben" or "sein" and the past participle, which you already are familiar with.  Note: this will not be included on the final, but it is a useful concept to review.  

Pay special attention to the note about "bevor" and "nachdem" and how they are used to connect sentences. 

Note: much of this is based on concepts you already know, i.e. you already know the present perfect tense, the past tense of "haben" and "sein", and that's it, folks!    

Note: there will be a section on the final covering the "simple past tense".  However, I will give you a list of 10 verbs (strong) that you should be familiar with in terms of the SPT.  The modal forms must be memorized, as well as how to form the SPT with weak verbs (easy!).  

We will review the practice test, sections: II, A, B, III, A, B, and VI.  Please complete these as homework and use them also with an eye toward the final.  

German 2B: Assignment for 12/8/14: Kapitel 14

German 2B will meet at 6:00 p.m.

Continue working on workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 14.  They are to be handed in on the evening of the final on 5/19/14.  No late workbooks will be accepted!  

Thema 2: p. 412: Umwelt

Study chart and answer the question in A: Welche 3 Punkte sind für Sie am wichtigsten?  Was tun Sie persönlich für die Umwelt?  

Complete B, write 7 sentences according to the Beispiel.  

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 413 and write answers to questions. Also, answer practice test, VI, #2 after reading this.  

Listen to Akt. 5, Langsamer, Bitte and order the sentences.   The vocabulary for this Thema will not be on the test, but it is an important topic and therefore bears some coverage.  


Read The Passive with Modal Verbs, p. 419 and write answers to Übungen 7, 8.  Note: there will be a brief (5 questions) section w/modal verbs and passive on the final, but if you know how to conjugate the modal verbs and how to form a past participle, then this will not be too challenging.  

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 420 and answer the two questions.  Also, answer practice test, VI, #1 after reading this. 

Read and study "Use of man as an alternative to the Passive", p. 421.  Note: alternative publications often use frau/man in place of only "man"!  Note: there will be a short section (2 sentences) using this structure on the final.  

Write answers to Übungen 9, 10. 

Read "The Present Participle", p. 422 and try, to the best of your ability, to fill in the blanks for Übung 11.  Note: This will absolutely not be on the final, but it is a useful linguistic construction in German to be familiar with.   

For the practice test: Proceed as above with the Kulture sections.  

II, A.  
II, B: choose one and write a solution. 
III, A: Write sentences for both pictures.  Not in one you are using "wurde" and in the other, you are using "wird".  
B.  As mentioned above, both B and C material will be covered (briefly) on the final, so this is good practice for that).    

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

German 2B: Assignment for 12/1/14: Kapitel 14

German 2B will meet at 7:35. 

After doing this assignment, begin work on lab manual and workbook for Kapitel 14, which will be due on the evening of the final, 12/15/14.

Read and study chart on p. 407.

Write answers to A, listen to B and answer, p. 407.

 Read and study Neue Wörter,  p. 408.  There is a lot of new, advanced vocabulary in this chapter.  You will not, however, have to actively know them for the final.  

Thema 1: Globale Probleme, p. 408.  Answer A and B.  

Listen to Die Kunst der Diskussion, p. 409, complete the sentences at the end and study Neue Wörter, p. 409.  

Akt. 1 will be done in class.  

Akt. 2: Listen carefully, at least twice and identify the speakers and identify the solutions. 

Akt. 3: choose 1 Gesprächstheme from Thema 1, Globale Probleme and take a stand on it, with 2-3 "student" responses, as in the example.   When the book refers to Redemittel, it means the phrases and sentences in B, p. 408.  

Akt. 4, p. 411.  Read and complete BOTH Schritt 1, and Schritt 2.  

Grammatik im Kontext, p. 414: 

Read "The Passive Voice", p. 414, what is it, how is it formed.    

Read carefully the Analyse, p. 415 and take note regarding the the use of the passive voice.  

Read "Expressing the Agent", pp. 415-416, and write answers to Übungen 1, 2, 3, and 4. 

Read "Expressing a General Activity", p. 417 and write answers to Übung 5, p. 418.

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 418 and answer questions.  

Übung 6 will be done in class.   However, it is best to prepare this by writing out the information as a complete passive sentence, as in the example.  Thus, for the first row, you would write: Zuerst sind Tipps für umweltbewusstes Leben an alle Bürger verteilt worden.  

German 2A: Assignment for 12/1/14: Kapitel 10 Auf Reisen

German 2A will meet at 6:00 p.m.  

AFTER you have completed this assignment, begin working on workbook/lab manual assignments for Kap. 10.  They will be due on the evening of the final, 12/15/14.  

Read Alles Klar?, p. 291 and answer A, listen to B and write answers.

Study, repeat, learn: Neue Wörter, p. 292, Wortschatz, p. 318

Read and study:  Thema 1, p. 292, and write 5 answers to A, p. 293, prepare answers to B 
For A, you might prefer to read about the Superlative,p. 300 before beginning A.  

Study: Checkliste vor der Reise, p. 293 and write 3 things for Akt. 2

Prepare: Akt. 1, p. 293

Read: Landeskunde-Info, p. 294 and prepare answers to the two questions.

Akt. 3 will be done in class.  

Akt. 4, p. 294: write 5 sentences using 5 of the 7 transportation options, stating "Vorteil" or "Nachteil" for each. 


Grammatik im Kontext, p. 300

Read:  Expressing Comparisons: The Superlative, p. 300

P. 301, Übung 1, complete the table. 

Übung 2, prepare answers to Schritt 2 to do in class

Übung 3 will be done in class.  

Read: Read and study “Attributive Adjectives in the Comparative”, p. 302

Listen to Übung 4, p. 303

Note: the comparative functions and is formed much as in English, with similar exceptions
Write answers to Übung 5, p. 303

Read: Attributive Adjectives in the Superlative, p. 303 

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 304 and write answers to Übungen 6 and 7

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

German 2B: Assignment for 11/24 and Test, Kapitel 13, topics

Continue working on workbook and lab manual for Kapitel 13 to hand in on 11/24.  2B will meet at 6:40.  There will be ca. 30 minutes of instruction and then the test.   

Read and study: Subjunctive 1: Past tense, p. 398.  This functions similar to the present perfect tense (using haben or sein + past participle), that you already know.  You are just using a subjunctive form or either haben or sein.  

Write answers to Übung 11 and Übung 12, p. 399.  For 12, just write the present tense of the verbs.    

Sprache im Kontext, p. 399 

Lesen, p. 401, Auf den ersten Blick.  Check answers for A, fill in blank for C.  

Read: Gute Freunde im Netz, 1) Zeilen 23-27: Welche Tatsachen über Mel weißt du? 
                                                       2) Zeilen 28-38: Schreib 3-4 interessante Tatsachen über die deutschen Jugendlichen.  
                                                       3) Glaubst du, dass es einen Unterschied zwischen jungen US-Amerikanern und jungen Deutschen im Gebruach des Computers gibt?  

Study for Test, Kapitel 13: 

1.  Listening section based on media vocabulary 

2.  Types of media and describing them.  Study vocab, Akt 1. , p. 384, Akt. 2, p. 386 and Akt. 4, p. 387.  

3.  Know vocabulary for various modern household devices. 

4.  "zu" construction 

5.  Subjunctive 1.  

6.  Reading passage and questions. 

7.  Schreiben: 

Prepare to write 50-60 words on the following: 

Die Medien. Schreiben Sie über die Rollen der Medien in Ihrem Leben oder in Ihrem Land. Ideen:

Wie wichtig sind Ihnen Medien wie Internet, Fernsehen, Radio, Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, SMS, Bücher oder Musik? Wie viel Zeit pro Tag verbringen Sie normalerweise vor einem Bildschirm? Womit beschäftigen Sie sich da am meisten? Inwiefern (to what extent) haben diese Medien einen negativen oder positiven Einfluss auf Ihr persönliches Leben? Schreiben Sie 50–60 Wörter. (20 Punkte)

8.  Culture questions based on one of the assigned Landeskunde-Info. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

German 2A: Assignment for 11/24/14: Kapitel 9. Test topics.

Continue working on the workbook and lab manual for Kapitel 9 to hand in on 11/24. 

Note: 2A will meet at 6:00 p.m.  There will be instruction until 6:30, then the test will  be given.  

Work through and complete the "Rotkäppchen" exercise for adjective endings.  A completed exercise will be posted on this blog by Thursday, so that you can compare your answers.  Please feel free to email me with any questions as to why, why, why! 

From last week:  Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 270.  Be able to give two responses to the first question: Was sind zwei wichtige Daten in der Geschichte Ihrer Stadt?  A "Kulture" question about this Landeskunde-Info will be on the chapter test for Kap. 9. 

Be prepared to do Übung 14, p. 280 in class.


Read: Adjectives referring to Cities and Regions, p. 281.  

Übung 15: write complete sentences for S1 and S2, per the example.  

To review adjective endings, try these: 

Aufgabe #1

Aufgabe #2

Study for the test, Kapitel 9:

Use "Das Kann ich nun", p. 287 as a guide (disregard #7)   

1.  Listening section: Follow directions

2.  Be able to write directions to two locations on a city map.  Study vocabulary in Nach dem Weg fragen, p. 268 to prepare, as well as "Redemittel", p. 269, Akt. 7.

3.  Know vocabulary pertaining to things  found in a city.

4.  Genitive case questions

5.  Genitive prepositions questions

6.  Adjective endings.

7.  Reading passage w/questions.

8.  Schreiben:  Prepare to write 50-60 words on the following:

Ein Rundgang durch die Stadt. Ihr deutscher Freund / Ihre deutsche Freundin besucht Sie in Ihrer Heimatstadt. Zeigen Sie ihm/ihr Ihre Stadt und schreiben Sie seine/ihre Beobachtungen (observations) auf (50–60 Wörter). Benutzen Sie mindestens fünf Adjektive in Ihren Beschreibungen. (20 Punkte)
mögliche themen

• den Weg durch die Stadt

• bestimmte Gebäude (buildings) und Sehenswürdigkeiten (tourist attractions), die sie sehen

• Gebäude in Ihrer Nachbarschaft (Schule, Kirche)

• etwas Historisches über die Stadt oder wofür die Stadt bekannt ist

9.  Culture questions based on one of the Landeskunde-Info assigned to read.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

German 2A/2B: 11/17/14: Office Hour

The 11/17 office hour will be held from 4:50-5:50 p.m. I will be in the teacher's prep room in 360; call at 415-920-6018 to reach me.  If I do not answer, then I will be in the Media Lab in the Library, 4th Floor, Valencia Building.     

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

German 2B: Assignment for 11/10 AND 11/17/14 - Kapitel 13 - Medien und Technik

Continue to work on WB/LM for Kap 13.  Class will meet at 6 p.m on 11/17.

For 11/10: 

Send via email, either in the body of the email or as a Word attachment: p. 400, Lesen, Zum Thema.


Sehr wichtig
Nicht so wichtig
Stunden pro Woche

Radio hören

Zeitung lesen

Am Computer arbeiten

Im Internet surfen

Bücher lesen

Videos, Filme sehen

Musik hören

You can cut and paste the table and put it into the document and fill in the blanks.   

C.  Check the boxes and then write a short report per instructions in D.

For 11/17/14: 

Thema 2, p. 388.  Look at graph (das Schaubild) and answers questions for A and B, p. 389

Write answers to Akt. 6 and 7, pp. 389-90

Akt. 8: Read Der Korkenzieher and write answers to 1-5, p. 391

Akt 9: How inventive are you?  Choose one area and describe a possible invention.

Akt. 10: Be prepared to do in class


Grammatik im Kontext

Read Infinitive Clauses with um…zu, p. 394-395

Rewrite 1-7, Übung 7 according to the instructions 

Read Indirect Discourse, p. 396 and write answers to Übung 8

Übung 9,  and rewrite in Subj. I.  Bear in mind that the indirect discourse subjunctive is used less and less in spoken German.  It is, however, common in writing, especially in newspapers.  Important just to recognize the forms.  Note also that Subjunctive I forms are mostly limited to the 3rd person singular.  

Übung 10, p. 398 Listen and jot down “Problem” and “Ausrede”, paying attention to the use of the subjunctive I. 

Watch the video for Kapitel 13, pp. 399-400, fill in blanks for A and answer questions to B.

C. p. 401.  Ein Interview.  Fill in the blanks in the chart below and be prepared to report to the class about yourself and another person's media preferences. 

Welche Zeitung liest du?

Was liest du zuerst?

Welchen Teil liest du ganz


Was überfliegst du?

Was siehst du im Fernsehen?

Welche Filme siehst du gern im Kino oder mit Streaming? 

Now for something completely different!

From Deutsche Welle.  Listen to the video and try to discern the one use of the Subjunctive I that is used.  Hint, it is in the first 40 seconds.  Try to write down the entire sentence!  Viel Spass!

German 2A: Assignment for 11/10 AND 11/17/14 - Kapitel 9 - In der Stadt

Continue to work on WB/LM for Kap 9.  Be sure to do the self-correcting.  Class will meet from 7:35-9:05.  

For 11/10, to be sent via e-mail to either in the body of the email or as a Word attachment: 

Übung 5, p. 274: In complete sentences, fill in the blanks with the appropriate genitive prepositions (see p. 273).  

Thema 2: Listen (again) to Dialog and match 1-6 to a-f.  Write the answers and include in your email.  

Akt. 3, p. 266: Just write the correct answers.  

Akt. 4, p. 266: Write a sentences for each picture, 1-6, to come up with a short narrative of Herr Thompson.  Then, rewrite the story using the present perfect tense (covered in Kapitel 7).  

For 11/17: 

Thema 3, p. 267

Match answers to A.  There is no vocabulary for this section, as you can look for cognates and guess from context.  

Exercise: Identify one historical location on the map of the Lutherstadt Wittenberg and write 3-5 sentences (in German!) about that location, be it a building, a tree, a museum, a church.   Just as a suggestion: tell us how old the place/building is, if it’s a museum, what are the hours.  Just an idea.  Come up with something of your own.   

Giving directions:  From the vantage of the I (information) kiosk, write directions for a tourist to your chosen destination (above). Tip: you might want to study the Neue Wörter, p. 268 for suggestions for giving directions, or look first at “Redemittel”, p. 269. 

Listen to “Nach dem Weg fragen”, p. 268.  Study Neue Wörter.  Write answers to B.

Listen to Akt. 5 and fill in dialog blanks.

Be prepared to do Akt. 6 in class. 

Akt 7:  Using “Redemittel”, p. 269, Write 3 exchanges between 2 people, as in the example.  Choose 3 different locations for which you ask directions and also give a reply.  This is based on the Stadtplan von Wittenberg, p. 267.  

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 270. Be able to give two responses to the first question: Was sind zwei wichtige Daten in der Geschichte Ihrer Stadt”?   A "Kultur" question about this Landeskunde-Info will be on the chapter test for Kap 9.  

Akt 8: Write directions  from the CCSF Mission Center to three locations in SF of your choice.  Make good use of the "directional" vocabulary introduced in Kapitel 9.  

Grammatik m Kontext, p. 271

Review again, if unclear, the chart on page 275, Adjectives after a Definite Article. THEN, 

P. 277, read and study “Adjectives after an Indefinite Article”

Übung 10, write adjective endings for blanks

Übung 11, be prepared to do in class, but prepare at least three questions to ask a classmate, using adjectives to describe the nouns.  

P. 278, read “Adjectives without a Preceding Article.”  Notice that the endings correspond to the definite articles that you already know so well:  For example, Masc.: der - guter, den = guten, etc.  In essence, the adjectives without a preceding article are taking the place of the definite articles!  Ganz einfach! 

Übung 12, write answers.  Read the directions before beginning!

Übung 13, listen and fill in blanks, Texts 1 and 2

EXTRA PRACTICE with adjective endings:

Here and here and here

and finally, Here   The story of Little Red Riding Hood, with adjective endings!  

This exercise covers the three categories of adjective endings: after a definite article, after an indefinite, and unpreceded, so it will really benefit to work through this.  Try doing this without looking back and forth to the charts.  Go with what you know: look at case, gender, number (i.e. singular or plural).  Ask yourself: Is the noun preceded by a definite or an indefinite article, or no article at all? Fill it out and check your answers.  Bring to class on 11/17 and we will review.  Note that some blanks will remain empty.  This is not a test, so keep calm and carry on!  

Sunday, November 2, 2014

German 2B: A common pitfall in using the subjunctive

Common Pitfalls (best understood after the past subjunctive exercises are assigned) 

Mixing Present and Past Subjunctive

Common mistakes that indicate you have not understood the subjunctive are using "würde" (which is used to form the present subjunctive) with a past participle of a verb (which is used to form the past subjunctive), or using "hätte" or "wäre" (which are used to form the past subjunctive) with the infinitive of the verb (which is used to form the present subjunctive):

Ich würde gegangen.
Ich wäre gehen.
Ich würde gehen. [=I would go]
Ich wäre gegangen. [=I would have gone]

German 2B: A Short Discussion about the use of "I could": indicative vs. subjunctive

"I could": Indicative vs. Subjunctive Revisited

The English "could" can denote indicative or subjunctive moods.  Here's how to tell the difference:
If could indicates something you might do in the future, it's subjunctive: "Ich könnte ein 'A' in diesem Kurs bekommen."  If it indicates something you were or were not able to do in the past, it's just the past tense of "können," not subjunctive: "Ich konnte letztes Semester ein 'A' in meinem Deutschkurs bekommen" [no umlaut on "konnte"].  For what you could have done in the past (but didn't), you need past subjunctive ==> the double infinitive construction: Ich hätte ein 'A' bekommen können, wenn ich mehr gelernt hätte."  More examples:
Ich konnte schlafencould [was able to] sleep [==> I did sleep!]
Ich könnte schlafencould [would be able to] sleep [something I might be able to do now or in the future]
Ich hätte schlafen könnencould have slept [but didn't]
Ich konnte mein Fahrrad reparierencould [was able to] repair my bike [==> I did repair it!]
Ich könnte mein Fahrrad reparierencould [would be able to] repair my bike [something I might be able to do now or in the future]
Ich hätte mein Fahrrad reparieren können [quite rarely used]could have repaired my bike [but didn't]

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

German 2B: Assignment for 11/3/14: Kapitel 13: Medien und Technik

German 2B meets at 7:35!  

Kapitel 13.  After completing the Grammatik assignment, begin work on WB/Lab for Kapitel 13.  

Alles Klar? p. 381.  prepare answers to A, listen to B and provide answers 1-4

Thema 1: Medien, p. 382.
Listen and read along with dialog   Fill in blanks, p. 383.

Study Neue Wörter, pp. 382 and 384, welche findest du am nützlichsten?

Read "Weitere Spielfilme", p., 383 and write 2-3 sentences answering: Welchen Spielfilm würdest du am interessantesten finden?  Warum?  Welcher Film interessiert dich überhaupt nicht?  Warum nicht?  Use "weil" in your response.  Note word order.   

Read: Was steht in der Zeitung, p. 384 and write answers to A and B

Akt. 1, p. 384.  Read and write answers 1-10 using the TV schedule on p. 385

Akt. 2, p. 386, Schritt 1 and Schritt 2

Akt 3 will be done in class.  

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 387 and answer questions 

Akt. 4, p. 387.  Choose 5 categories and write commentaries, either positive or negative, as in the Beispiel.  

Akt. 5, p. 388, will be done in class, but it would be helpful if you write a dialog, filling in the blanks, to facilitate communication.   


Grammatik im Kontext, p. 392

Read and study: infinitive clauses with zu; note in particular the place of the "zu clause".

Write 1-8, Übung 1

Write 4 responses to Übung 2, p. 393, using "zu" clauses in your response. 

Übung 3: prepare responses for Sonntag-Samstag, using the "zu" + infinitive clause for Cornelia's daily schedule.

Übung 4: Write two "Vorsätze" for Schritt 1 to share in class. 

Read Sprach-Info, p. 394

Übung 5: Prepare answers to 1-5 to review in class.  

Be prepared to do Übung 6 in class


German 2A: Assignment for 11/3/14: Kapitel 9: In der Stadt

Note:  German 2A meets at 6:00!  

Begin workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 9.  Note, there is a bit more extra material, due to the 11/10/14 holiday (Veterans' Day), in order to complete this chapter.     

Alles Klar? p. 261

Read A, and write answers for 1-5.

Listen to B and check answers.

Wörter im Kontext, p. 262

Thema 1.  Read and study ads, p. 262
Read Sprach-Info, p. 263
Check answers to A
Write answers to B and C, p. 263

Study Neue Wörter, pp. 262 & 263 and Wortschatz, pp. 286-287

Listen to Akt. 1, p. 264 and mark answers

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 264.  And prepare answers to the 2 questions.

Akt 2 will be done in class.  Prepare suggestions for 2 options for overnight stay, using information from each ad on page 262.  

Continue working on lab manual/workbook for Kapitel 9 to hand in on 4/21.  There is a high correlation between doing well on the tests and having thoroughly gone through the workbook and lab manual.  So ...    

Thema 2: Im Hotel, p. 265

Listen to dialog, study Neue Wörter, p. 265 and write a short summary (4-5) sentences based on the dialog "Im Hotel" in which you give information about the wer, was, wie, warum, etc.   Z.B: Herr Thompson kommt im hotel an.  Er meldet sich an ... u.s.w. 

and then complete "Bilden Sie Sätze".

Akt. 3, p. 266: complete sentences

Akt. 4, p. 266: study pictures and write a sentence for each one.  Then, rewrite the story using the present perfect tense. (present perfect tense was covered in Kapitel 7)

Go to this website: Click on the German flag in the upper right hand corner to read the site auf deutsch.  Choose a hostel or a hotel and write 6-7 sentences (in German) describing the hotel, using the vocabulary from Kap. 9.  Include the price of a room, what kind of services are available, location, etc.  Click on "Freizeitzangebote" and include a few places you'd like to visit in your report. Try to include a couple of uses of the genitive case, for good measure.   And, be sure to watch the short video included for the hostels to get a sense of what it looks like!  Have some fun with this! 


Grammatik im Kontext, p. 275

The Genitive Case

Read and study information, charts on p. 271.  How does the genitive case function in a sentence, how is it formed?

Read and study "Proper Names in the Genitive", p. 272

Read Analyse and answer questions

Write answers to Übungen 1, 2

Write answers to Übung 3, p. 273, Schritt 1, 2

Übung 4 will be done in class. 

Read "Prepositions in the Genitive", p. 273, and write answers to Übung 5, p. 274

Attributive Adjectives, p. 275, "Adjectives after a Definite Article".   Read carefully and study the chart for "adjectives after a definite article."  Note: it is important to know the genders of the nouns that are being modified and to recognize which case (i.e., nominative, accusative, dative or genitive) the noun is in!  This is where it all comes together!    

Write answers to Übung 7.

Read Sprach-Info, bottom of p. 275

Write sentences for Übung 8.  Do not use "haben mir gefallen" for each one!  Try using some other vocabulary to vary your answers.  For example: for No. 2, you could say how much the small and comfortable hotel cost per night.  

Write sentences with adjective endings for Übung 9.