Tuesday, March 25, 2014

German 2A - Assignment for 4/7/14 and 4/14/14 - Kapitel 9

German 2A - Assignment for 4/7 and 4/14/14 - Kapitel 9

Please note: there are "extra" assignments due to the spring break and also the holiday on 4/7.   We will cover all the material on 4/14.  The test for Kapitel 9 will be on 4/21. 

Continue working on lab manual/workbook for Kapitel 9 to hand in on 4/21.  There is a high correlation between doing well on the tests and having thoroughly gone through the workbook and lab manual.  So ...    

Thema 2: Im Hotel, p. 265

Listen to dialog, study Neue Wörter, p. 265 and write a short summary (4-5) sentences based on the dialog "Im Hotel in which you give information about the wer, was, wie, warum, etc.   

and then complete "Bilden Sie Sätze".

Akt. 3, p. 266: complete sentences

Akt. 4, p. 266: study pictures and write a sentence for each one.  Then, rewrite the story using the present perfect tense. (present perfect tense was covered in Kapitel 

Go to this website:  http://www.aohostels.com/en/berlin/ Click on the German flag in the upper right hand corner to read the site auf deutsch.  Choose a hostel or a hotel and write 6-7 sentences (in German) describing the hotel, using the vocabulary from Kap. 9.  Include the price of a room, what kind of services are available, location, etc.  Click on "Freizeitzangebote" and include a few places you'd like to visit in your report. Try to include a couple of uses of the genitive case, for good measure.   And, be sure to watch the short video included for the hostels to get a sense of what it looks like!

Thema 3, p. 267

Write answers to A

Identify one historical location on the map of the Lutherstadt Wittenberg and write 3-5 sentences (in German!) about that location, be it a building, a tree, a museum, a church.   Just as a suggestion: tell us how old the place/building is, if it’s a museum, what are the hours.  Just a couple of ideas. 

For everyone to do: From the vantage of the I (information) kiosk, write directions for a tourist to your chosen destination. Tip: you might want to study the Neue Wörter, p. 268 for suggestions for giving directions, or look first at “Redemittel”, p. 269. 

Listen to “Nach dem Weg fragen”, p. 268.  Study Neue Wörter.  Write answers to B.

Listen to Akt. 5 and fill in dialog blanks

Be prepared to do Akt. 6 in class.

Akt 7:  Using “Redemittel”, p. 269, Write 3 exchanges between 2 people, as in the example.  Choose 3 different locations for which you ask directions and also give a reply.  This is based on the Stadtplan von Wittenberg, p. 267.  

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 270. Be able to give two responses to the first question: Was sind zwei wichtige Daten in der Geschichte Ihrer Stadt”?   A "Kultur" question about this Landeskunde-Info will be on the chapter test for Kap 9.  

Akt 8: Post directions on this blog by 4/8 in which you give directions from the CCSF Downtown campus to three locations in SF of your choice.  Make good use of the "directional" vocabulary introduced in Kapitel 9.  This will be marked as an assignment and credit given for those who follow through.  

Grammatik m Kontext, p. 271

Read and study “Adjectives after an Indefinite Article”

Übung 10, write adjective endings for blanks

Übung 11, be prepared to do in class

Read “Adjectives without a Preceding Article”

Übung 12, write answers.  Read the directions before beginning!

Übung 13, listen and fill in blanks, Texts 1 and 2

EXTRA PRACTICE with adjective endings:


This exercise covers the three categories of adjective endings: after a definite article, after an indefinite, and unpreceded, so it will really benefit to work through this.  Try doing this without looking back and forth to the charts.  Go with what you know: look at case, gender, number (i.e. singular or plural).  Ask yourself: Is the noun preceded by a definite or an indefinite article, or no article at all? Fill it out and check your answers.  Bring to class on 4/14 and we will review.  

The Genitive Case

Read and study information, charts on p. 271.  How does the genitive case function in a sentence, how is it formed?

Read and study "Proper Names in the Genitive", p. 272

Read Analyse and answer questions

Write answers to Übungen 1, 2

Write answers to Übung 3, p. 273, Schritt 1, 2

Übung 4 will be done in class. 

Read "Prepositions in the Genitive", p. 273, and write answers to Übung 5, p. 274

Send in an email to me at lpahl@ccsf.edu by 4/8 the following (either in body of text or as a Word attachment: 

Answers to: Übungen 1, 2, 4, 5 (prepositions only are fine).   This is an assignment that will be credited.  I am also assigning it as we miss that extra class and I would like to see how you are understanding the genitive case.  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

German 2B - Assignment for April 8th - Kapitel

Assignment for 4/8 - Kapitel 13

Thema 2, p. 388.  Look at graph and answers questions for A and B, p. 389

Write answers to Akt. 6 and 7

Akt. 8: Read Der Korkenzieher and write answers to 1-5, p. 391

Akt 9: How inventive are you?  Choose one area and describe a possible invention.

Akt. 10: Be prepared to do in class


Grammatik im Kontext

Read Infinitive Clauses with um…zu, p. 394-395

Rewrite 1-7, Übung 7 according to the instructions 

Read Indirect Discourse, p. 396 and write answers to Übung 8

Übung 9,  and rewrite in Subj. 1.  Bear in mind that the indirect discourse subjunctive is used less and less in spoken German.  It is, however, common in writing, especially in newspapers.  Important just to recognize the forms. 

Übung 10, p. 398 Listen and jot down “Problem” and “Ausrede”, paying attention to the use of the subjunctive I. 

Now for something completely different!  Go here: 


It is a YouTube video from Deutsche Welle.  Listen to the video and try to discern the one use of the Subjunctive I that is used.  Hint, it is in the first 40 seconds.  Try to write down the entire sentence!  Viel Spass!

German 2B - Assignment for 3/24/14 - Kapitel 13 - Medien und Technik

German 2B - Assignment for 3/24/14 - Kapitel 13 - Medien und Technik 

Alles Klar? p. 381.  prepare answers to A, listen to B and provide answers 1-4

Thema 1: Medien, p. 382.
Listen and read along with dialog   Fill in blanks, p. 383.

When you have completed the assignment, begin workbook/lab manual for Kap. 13

Study Neue Wörter, pp. 382 and 384, welche findest du am nützlichsten?

Read "Weitere Spielfilme", p., 383 and write 2-3 sentences answering: Welchen Spielfilm würdest du am interessantesten finden?  Warum?  Welcher Film interessiert dich überhaupt nicht?  Warum nicht? 

Read: Was steht in der Zeitung, p. 384 and write answers to A and B

Akt. 1, p. 384.  Read and write answers 1-10 using the TV schedule on p. 385

Akt. 2, p. 386, Schritt 1 and Schritt 2

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 387 and answer questions 

Akt. 4, p. 387.  Choose 5 categories and write commentaries, either positive or negative, as in the Beispiel.  

Akt. 5, p. 388.  Write a dialog, filling in the blanks.  


Grammatik im Kontext, p. 392

Read and study: infinitive clauses with zu; note in particular the place of the "zu clause".

Write 1-8, Übung 1

Write 4 responses to Übung 2, p. 393

Übung 3: prepare responses for Sonntag-Samstag, using the "zu" + infinitive clause for Cornelia's daily schedule.

Übung 4: Write two "Vorsätze" for Schritt 1

Read Sprach-Info, p. 394

ÜBUNG 5: Prepare answers to 1-5

Be prepared to do Übung 6 in class


German 2A - Assignment for 3/24/14 - Kapitel 9 - In der Stadt

Here is the additional assignment, to help you work on adjective endings preceded by a definite article: 

1.      I would like this inexpensive room. 
2.     The old refrigerator in this small room doesn’t work.  (funktioniert nicht)
3.     The old town center in Heidelberg is charming.  (charming, lovely, enchanting = entzückend)
4.     The small single room in this old hotel is too expensive!
5.     Do you have a large, inexpensive double room?
6.     Do you also have a fast internet connection?  (der Internetzugang)

7.     This old hotel doesn’t have internet connection.  I’m sorry!  

German 2A: Assignment for 3/24/14 - Kapitel 9: In der Stadt 

Begin workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 9 

Alles Klar? p. 261

Read A, and write answers for 1-5.

Listen to B and check answers.

Wörter im Kontext, p. 262

Thema 1.  Read and study ads, p. 262
Read Sprach-Info, p. 263
Check answers to A
Write answers to B and C, p. 263

Study Neue Wörter, pp. 262 & 263 and Wortschatz, pp. 286-287

Listen to Akt. 1, p. 264 and mark answers

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 264.  And prepare answers to the 2 questions.

Akt 2 will be done in class.  Prepare suggestions for 2 options for overnight stay, using information from each ad on page 262.  


Grammatik im Kontext, p. 275

Attributive Adjectives, p. 275.  Read carefully and study the chart for "adjectives after a definite article."

Write answers to Übung 7.

Read Sprach-Info, bottom of p. 275

Write sentences for Übung 8.  Do not use "haben mir gefallen" for each one!  Try using some other vocabulary to vary your answers.  For example: for No. 2, you could say how much the small and comfortable hotel cost per night.  

Write sentences with adjective endings for Übung 9

Read, Adjectives referring to cities and regions, p. 281 and write sentences for Übung 15, p. 281, 1-8, following the example.  You may write just the reply sentences.  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Office Hour - Monday, 3/17: 4:50-5:50

Berlin Alexanderplatz - 1929
An office hour will be held on Monday, 3/17 from 4:50-5:50 in the 4th Floor Library Media/Language Lab.  Stop by the lab to clarify questions before the test!

Monday, March 10, 2014

German 2B: Assignment for 3/17/2014: Kapitel 12

German 2B: Assignment for 3/17/2014

Continue working on WB, Journal and Lab Manual for Kap. 12 to hand in on 3/17
Study for test, Kap 12 (see below) 

Complete Übungen 10-14 (if not done last week).  

Übung 12: Write a subjunctive sentence for each of the 5 characters depicted.  

Be sure to read: Landeskunde-Info, p. 368

Read "Past Subjunctive", p. 370.  

Übung 15, p. 372.  Prepare at least 4 commentaries on Andreas' situation.  "Wie ist das passiert"?  
Incorporate the various "Redemittel".  

Watch the video for Kap. 12 and answer A, 1, 2 

Complete the table with information from the video. 

C: complete with the appropriate names 

Study for test, Kap. 12.  Use "Das kann ich nun" as a guideline, p. 377

Topics covered: 

Listening section re: Haushalt/Monatliche Ausgaben
Fill in blank with "Wohnung" related vocabulary 
Rewriting sentences in a more polite way
"wenn" + würde + infinitive 
da and wo compounds
reading passage

Renovieren. Wenn Sie $5 000 bekämen, um Ihr Zimmer, Ihre Wohnung oder Ihr Haus zu renovieren, was würden Sie machen? Was würden Sie kaufen? Schreiben Sie 60–70 Wörter darüber. Benutzen Sie dabei den Konjunktiv (subjunctive). (20 Punkte)

Kultur questions based on one of the Landes-kunde info segments assigned

German 2A: Assignment for 3/17/2014 - Kapitel 8

German 2A - 3/17/2014

Prepare for test, Kap. 8 (see below)
Continue to work on WB + Journal and Lab manual for full credit 

and do the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th exercises (counting from the top).  Print these out and bring to class to review.  Even if some verbs are new, you will know the reflexive verb because of the subject (i.e. ich, du, etc.)  

Watch: Video, Kap. 8.  You can access it here: 
http://www.ccsf.edu/Departments/Language_Center/oll/german/index.htm   User name:  german
                                                                                                                   Password: ccsf

Answer questions related to video and also prepare your own answers for: 

B, D, F 

We will view the video in class and go over the content as assigned above.  

Lesen, p. 254: Read the chart and answer A.  Be prepared to exchange information in class. 


Übung 10, p. 252.  Match responses as appropriate and write sentences. 
Übung 11, p. 252.  Write 5 sentences with time attributes 

Read:  Expressing Reciprocity, p. 252, read and write answers to:    
Übung 12, p. 252.  Write a short paragraph, using the vocabulary provided. 

Study for test, Kap. 8.  Use "Das kann ich nun" , p. 259 as a guideline.  

Test: Topics covered: 

Listening section, "Gesundheit" oder "Fitness" 
Review vocabulary for Gesundheit/Fitness
Body parts
Subordinating conjunctions
reflexive pronouns
reading passage

Schreiben:  50-60 word essay describing what a famous person (a list will be given) has to do in order to get ready for a night out on the town.  This can be prepared generically and adapted for a specific person. 

Kultur section based on one of the assigned Landeskunde-Info paragraphs

Monday, March 3, 2014

German 2B: Assignment for 3/10/14: Kapitel 12

Thema 2, p. 354.  Read and study.  and write answers 1-8

Akt. 5, p. 355.  Listen and fill in blanks

Akt. 7, p. 356

Thema 3: Unser Zuhause, p. 356

Read the flyer.  Wer sucht was und wo?
Read the two ads, p. 357 and answer B.
Write answers C, was passt zusammen?

Listen to Akt. 8, p. 357 and check the correct answers

Rund ums Wohnen, chart, p. 358: using this chart, answer the questions re Wohnqualität.

Grammatik im Kontext, p. 363

Read carefully and study: The Present Subjunctive II, p. 363.  The PSII is based on the simple past forms that you learned in Kapitel 10, so review if you think that will be helpful.

Note that you already know one subjunctive form:  moechte. Remember that the subjunctive mood is used to express polite requests, convey wishful thinking (in English: if only I had studied more!) and express things that are contrary to fact.                          

Page 364: Übung 6.  Write answers
                Übung 7: rewrite statements/questions
                Übung 8: Prepare statements 1-8

The Use of würde with an infinitive, p. 365.  Read and study

Page 365: Übung 9.  Prepare responses

Read Expressing Wishes .. and write 5 of your own sentences expressing a wish in a hypothetical situation
For example: Wenn ich nur wüsste, ob es heute regnet.  Dann würde ich meinen Regenschirm mitbringen.

Read: The Present Subjunctive II: strong and weak verbs, p. 366.  BONUS FACT: for weak verbs, the PSII is identical to the simple past tense, if you know one, you know the other!  Note that, for most of these forms, you will encounter these mainly in writing, but a few common verbs such as: Gehen, kommen, fahren, and bleiben are still used.  Otherwise, strong verbs are being replaced by würde + infinitive.  

Übung 10, p. 367.  Write answers that give “die Tatsache” or the contrary to fact statements. 

Übung 11.  Write answers.  Be sure to check the simple past form of the strong verbs. 

Read Sprach-Info, p. 368

Übung 12: write answers to the 4 situations pictured.

Read Talking about Contrary-to-Fact Conditions, p. 369

Übung 13, write 4 sentences per the example (add one noun  to the list)

Übung 14.  Write your own good advice for each “Problem” and make up one of your own with some advice.

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 368 and be prepared to discuss the two questions. (Note: this will be the Kulture topic on the test, so don't miss it!)

Just for fun, if you have a moment: go to this website:  https://www.studentenwerk-berlin.de/jobs/datenbank/index.html

Welche 2 Jobangeboten findest du am interessantesten?  Welche Jobs zahlen gut (mehr als 12 Euro), was für Jobs zahlen am wenigsten?

German 2A: Assignment for 3/10/14: Kapitel 8

Thema 2, p. 238

Begin/continue to work through the workbook/lab manual. 

Study Wortschatz, Der Menschliche Körper, p. 238 
          Neue Wörter, p. 239 and 
          Wortschatz, pp. 258-259 

Listen to "Ein Telefongespräch", p. 239, read along with the text and write/check answers for A, B

Akt 3, p. 240: Write 5 sentences, describing Christoph's story.  

Akt 4, p. 240.  Listen and number body parts referenced

Read: Landeskunde-nfo, p. 240 and be prepared to answer the two questions.  

Akt. 5, p. 241, listen carefully and answer questions.  

Read Sprach-Info, p. 241

Akt 6, p. 241: be prepared to do this in class. 

Grammatik im Kontext, p. 248, Reflexive Pronouns and Verbs

Read this section carefully.  Note that the reflexive pronouns and verbs are used more extensively in German than in English.  Study especially the verbs that always use an accusative reflexive pronoun, p. 249

Übung 8, p. 250, listen and mark the correct answer

Verbs with reflexive pronouns in accusative or dative, p. 251.  Read carefully, bring questions to class if anything is not crystal clear!  Read also the two notes carefully. 

Übung 9, p. 251, write in correct reflexive pronouns 

AFTER doing the above,, look at p. 242, Morgenroutine and answer A, B to practice reflexive verbs. 

Expressing Reciprocity, p. 252, read and write answers to: 
Übung 12.    


and do the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th exercises (counting from the top).  You can print out and bring to class if you have questions.  Even if some verbs are new, you will know the reflexive verb because of the subject (i.e. ich, du, etc.)