Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A fine grammar point: fallen lassen

A question arose in class on Monday as to why the following fill in the blank phrase: vor dem Loch was in the dative and not the accusative.  

Sie trägt es zu d Loch in d Wand und läßt es vor de klein Loch fallen.

Here's the reason:  While one might argue that there is a change in location for the object (der Käse), "fallen lassen" is not part of a placement verb such as legen, stellen, setzen, etc. (see Kapitel 6, pp. 190-191).  And the cheese is not the agent doing the placement but rather the cat is.  Therefore, this is a case of location (vor dem Loch) rather than placement.  On the other hand, if the cat had itself fallen (for example), "vor das kleine Loch" (accusative), would be correct.  

Hope this is clear!  (as mud?)  

Monday, December 7, 2015

German 2A and 10C: General topics for final exam (2A) and the Topic for Final Presentation (10C)

Here are the general topics for the final exam for 2A students: 

This exam will cover material from Kapitel 8-10:

1.  Listening section on the topic of Freizeit

2.  Vocabulary identification

3.  Giving Directions (3 out of 4 options)  Review especially the vocabulary and phrases on pp. 268 and 269.  Don't try to be creative with this section, stay within the lines!  Otherwise, you could get into trouble crossing the street!  

4.  Expressing comparisons: the superlative form

5.  Attributive adjectives in the comparative and superlative.

6.  Conjunctions:  subordinating.  Combine two sentences.  Study word order.  See pp. 244-246 for review and exercises to practice.  

7.  Simple past (imperfect)

           The strong verbs that you will need to memorize the simple past tense forms are:
                     a. kommen
                     b. essen
                     c.  fahren
                     d. gehen
                     e.  schreiben
                     f.  schlafen
                     g.  bleiben
                     h.  trinken
                     i.  laufen
                     j.  nehmen
                     k. sehen

also know the simple past of: haben, sein, and the modals.   To review simple past of modals, see the chart on page 196, Kapitel 6.  They are formed similarly to weak verbs, but lose the umlauts, where these have occurred in the present tense.  The "ich" and the "er,sie, es" form are identical.

8.  Attributive adjective endings !!  Review a similar section on the Kapitel 9 test.  Note the errors that you made there.  Here is what I noticed tripped some people up: 

a.  Not noticing that a prepositional phrase or verb required dative adjective endings. 

b.  Not recognizing which case a given two-way preposition required.  You can review two-way prepositions on p. 186.  

9.  Reflexive pronouns.  See pp. 248-249 for review. 

10.  Genitive case

11.  Genitive prepositions

13.  A reading passage with comprehension questions

There will not be a writing passage!

Here is the topic for the final 10C presentations: 

Here is the topic for 10C students for their final presentations.  These should be no less than 5 minutes but no more than 8 minutes in length.  Therefore, it is important that you practice this in advance and time yourself.  The questions below are by no means the only ones you can answer.  Please feel free to structure your own presentation as you think appropriate and communicative: 

1.   Go to this website:  

Plan a trip to Wittenberg for this month, December.   Why do you want to travel to Wittenberg.  Use "weil" in your answer and correct word order.  

Hover over "Tourismus" and choose: "Unterkünfte" to find a hotel.    Which hotel will you stay in?  Describe the hotel using 3 adjectives with adjective endings, as appropriate.  What amenities does it offer?  How much does it cost per night?  Of course, you can add whatever you think relevant.  Hover over "Tourismus" and choose: "Unterkünfte" to find a hotel.    

Hover over "Tourismus" on start page (right side) and click on "Sehenswürdigkeiten und Ausstellungen."  Choose one from either category and prepare a short presentation on your choice: possible topics could be: hours of operation, how old is this place or what is the exhibit about?  Why did you choose this topic?  Use "weil" in your statement.  

We will be able to access this website for the presentation, so we can see which hotel you have chosen, etc.  Have some fun with this!  

12/7 review - 8, 9, 10

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Assignment for 12/7/15: Review of Kapitel 8-10. Adjective ending review. Select videos from the "Learn German" series: fun and informative

The assignment for 12/7 is as follows:

1.  Review grammar and vocabulary for Kapitel 8-10 and email Frau Pahl if there is a certain area you would like to have extra review on.

2.  We will do the Katze und Maus adjective ending review in class.  Those of you who already did this will still benefit from "crowd sourcing" the answers on a clean slate.

3.  Frau Pahl will have some selected videos from the "Learn German" series.  Hopefully, the internet access will work in the classroom, if not, we can always just go next door.  If you have a favorite one, bring that title to class and we can view that, as well.

4.  Bring any recommendations for German or German influenced restaurants and we will look at the websites and the menus.

Bis Montag. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

German 2A/10C: Assignment for 11/23/15: Kapitel 10 + Test, Writing and Presentation Topics

Continue working on workbook/lab manual to hand in on 11/23.  Be sure to self-correct the workbook! 

Thema 2, p. 295: Listen to “Im Reisebüro”.  Study Neue Wörter and fill in blanks “Ergänzen Sie”. 

Read Sprach-Info, p. 296 

Read LandesKunde Info, p. 296 and prepare answers to the two questions 

Write answers to Aktivität 5, p. 296, based on Thema 2 Gespräch

Listen to Akt 6, p. 297 and write answers to Wie?, Wohin?, Warum?, Wie lange?
Prepare your own “Urlaub” to tell the class about: answer the questions wie, wohin, warum, wie lange?  und wie viel kostet das? 

Then, based on the “Urlaub” you just planned, look at Akt. 7, be prepared to persuade a classmate to go on a trip with you. 

Watch the video, pp. 311-312.  Fill in the blanks for A and the chart in C.  

Grammatik im Kontext: 

P. 305: Adjectival nouns.  Read, study and fill in blanks for Übung 8.  Note that these are adjectives used as nouns, and as such, they take the adjective endings that you are already familiar with.  

Read and study, "The Past Perfect Tense", p. 311 and write answers to Übung 15.  
It is simply using the past tense of "haben" or "sein" and the past participle, which you already are familiar with.  To refresh your knowledge of the present perfect, see Kapitel 7, pp. 217-222.  

Pay special attention to the note about "bevor" and "nachdem" and how they are used to connect sentences. 

Topics for test, Kapitel 10: 

1.  Listening section "Am Bahnhof." 

2.  Verkehrsmittel: fill in blank

3.  Two things you take on a trip to various locations

4.  Fill in blanks: simple past, strong verbs and weak verbs.  Strong verbs: know the simple past for:  fliegen, kommen, schlafen, fahren, stehen, verstehen, verlieren, anfangen, gehen, lassen, sitzen, sprechen, finden.  Know the formation of the simple past for weak verbs.  

5.  Fill in blanks: adjectives in the comparative and superlative

6.  Reading passage and questions

7.  Culture questions based on information in one of the assigned Landeskunde-Info.  

8.  For the writing section. Again, this is to be done at home to turn in. It is worth 20 points.  Here is the topic:   

Wohin möchten Sie:  Beschreiben Sie eine Reise, die Sie machen möchten and schreiben Sie etwas zu jedem der folgenden Bereiche: 
  •  Wohin Sie möchten
  •  Warum Sie dieses Reiseziel (detination) wählen (was man dort       unternehmen oder sehen kann) 
  • Wann Sie dorthin wollen 
  • Wie lange die Reise dauert, oder wie lange Sie dort bleiben
  • Wie Sie dorthin kommen (z.B. Schiff, Flugzeug, ??) 
  • Was die Reise kostet (pro Person)
10C students:  Prepare a presentation based on the above topic, including information addressing all of the questions of Wohin, warum, etc.  Please pace your presentation so that it does not exceed 5 minutes.  Some visuals of your destination would be an interesting addition to your presentation!  I will have the PC cart and LCD projector available if you would like to prepare a Power Point presentation or use websites.    


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Extra exercises for adjective endings and the comparative + adjective endings

 Click here to go to the GROW (German Resources on the Web) site for an exercise using the comparative with adjective endings.  Take it to the next level and try replacing the comparative with the superlative + endings.  Email Frau Pahl the results to see how you did (for the superlative.) 

Click here for a comprehensive adjective ending exercise along the lines of Rottkäppchen, but this time it's about ... Katze und Maus.   

Note that "jeder" functions as a "der" word.  Here are other "der" words you should know: 

dieser (m), diese (f), dieses(n) this, these
jeder, jede, jedes each, every
welcher, welche, welches which
jenerjenejenes that, those
mancher, manche, manches many
solcher, solche, solches such

Monday, November 9, 2015

German 2A/10C: assignment for 4/18/16: Kapitel 10: Auf Reisen

Begin or continue to work on the workbook and lab manual for Kapitel 10.

Thema 3: Eine Fahrkarte, bitte! (p. 298).   Here is some useful information about train travel in Germany. 

Answer questions to: "Wo ist das", p. 298, study Neue Wörter

Listen to Am Fahrkartenschalter am Bahnhof, 

Listen to Akt. 9, p. 299 and fill in the chart. 

D., page 312.  Prepare answers to ask a classmate and then report back to the class. 

Bring handout: Die Deutschen und Urlaub (7th ed. DNK) and have 3 sentences written to ask class based on the reading.  

Einen Urlaub planen:  

Click here to go to the Deutsche Bahn website.  You will be on the "Urlaub in Deutschland" page.   Then: 

1.  Click on "Ferienhäuser und Ferienwohnungen". 

2.  Chose 1 of the places under: "Zielgebiet/Region".  Wo liegt diese Region?  

3.  Then, click on "Objektspreis" and select your "Hinreise" and "Rückreise".  Select how many people you are travelling with, "Preis pro Person", then click "Auswahl ändern".  

4.  You will see various options for accomodations.  Choose one and write 3-4 sentences describing what this place offers.  What does it cost for the entire trip?  

Grammatik im Kontext:

Read: Narrating Events in the Past: The Simple Past Tense, pp. 306-7.  Pay particular attention to the "Notes".  

Übung 10, p. 307: fill in the blanks.  See page 196 for a chart of modals in the simple past.  

Übung 11, p. 307.  Rewrite the sentences as indicated per the example.

Read and study "Strong Verbs", p. 308.  Note that verbs that are strong in English (i.e. don't form the past tense with "ed") also tend to be strong in German.  However, these are ones that have to be memorized.   

Read "mixed verbs" and "Sprach-Info" (p. 308-9)

First: Read "Sonderbares Erlebnis einer Reise," p. 309, and THEN fill in the blanks for Übung 12, p. 310.

Listen to Übung 13 and try to jot down the changes.  

Write sentences for Übung 14.  Be sure to read Sprach-Info (p. 309) before doing this one. 

Read here about Germany: Tipping and Etiquette in Restaurants.  And from Lonely Planet, some information to help you plan your next trip! 

Note: there will be a section on both the test for Kapitel 10 and the final covering the "simple past tense".  However, I will give you a list of 10 verbs (strong) that you should be familiar with in terms of the SPT.  The modal forms must be memorized, as well as how to form the SPT with weak verbs, but that is very simple.   

Monday, November 2, 2015

German 2A/10C: Assignment for 11/2/15: Kapitel 10: Auf Reisen

AFTER you have completed this assignment, begin working on workbook and/or lab manual assignments for Kap. 10.  

Read Alles Klar?, p. 291 and answer A, listen to B and write answers.

Study, repeat, learn: Neue Wörter, p. 292, Wortschatz, p. 318

Read and study:  Thema 1, p. 292, and write 5 answers to A, p. 293, prepare answers to B to review in class with a classmate. 

For A, you might prefer to read about the Superlative, p. 300 before beginning A.  

Study: Checkliste vor der Reise, p. 293 and write 3 things for Akt. 2.  Include your travel destination. 

Prepare: Akt. 1, p. 293.  Write one of your own "Welches Wort passt nicht?" 

Akt. 2: Welche drei Dinge musst du unbedingt mitnehmen? 

Read: Landeskunde-Info, p. 294 and prepare answers to the two questions. You might find this article interesting in this context.  

Akt. 3 will be done in class.  

Akt. 4, p. 294: write 5 sentences using 5 of the 7 transportation options, stating "Vorteil" or "Nachteil" for each. 

Write 4-5 sentences describing a trip you would like to take.   To where, how will you get there, how long will you stay, etc.  Use the present tense.  

Grammatik im Kontext, p. 300 

Read:  Expressing Comparisons: The Superlative, p. 300.  It is important to note that the use and formation of the superlative when expressing comparisons is NOT the same as using an attributive adjective in the superlative (see assignment below).  And, remember that you will not be using "mehr" as an equivalent to the English "most" when experessing a superlative comparison.  It is not used in German.  

P. 301, Übung 1, complete the table. 

Übung 2, prepare answers to Schritt 2 to do in class.  

Übung 3 will be done in class.  

Read: Read and study “Attributive Adjectives in the Comparative”, p. 302

Listen to Übung 4, p. 303

Note: the comparative functions, and is formed, much as in English, with similar exceptions. (i.e. the English good becomes better, similar to gut > besser)  The adjectives form endings according to the forms you learned in Kapitel 9.  It might be helpful to review those, as well.    
Write answers to Übung 5, p. 303.

Read: Attributive Adjectives in the Superlative, p. 303 

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 304 and write answers to Übungen 6 and 7.

Monday, October 26, 2015

German 2A/10C: Assignment for 11/2: Kapitel 9: In der Stadt + Test/Presentation Topics

German 2A/10C: 

Finish up workbook (and self-correcting) and lab manual for Kapitel 9 to hand in.   

Whichever activities and/or exercises not covered on 10/26 will be reviewed on 11/2.  

Grammatik im Kontext: 

Read: Adjectives referring to cities and regions, p. 281 

Übung 15: Write sentences 1-8 as complete sentences and we will review this in class.  

Watch the video and answer questions/fill in blanks, p. 282. 

Sprache im Kontext:


A.  Write a few short responses:  Vorteile und Nachteile des Stadtlebens.  

Study for the test, Kapitel 9:

To review adjective endings, try these: 

Exercise A

Exercise B

Use "Das Kann ich nun", p. 287 as a guide (disregard #7)   

1.  Listening section: Follow directions

2.  Be able to write directions to two locations on a city map.  Study vocabulary in Nach dem Weg fragen, p. 268 to prepare, as well as "Redemittel", p. 269, Akt. 7.

3.  Know vocabulary pertaining to things to be found in a city.

4.  Genitive case questions

5.  Genitive prepositions questions - know the prepositions! 

6.  Adjective endings, all three groups (after a "der" word, "ein" word or unpreceded). 

7.  Reading passage w/questions.

8.  Schreiben:  Write 50-60 words outside of class on the following to hand in.  Please note that there will be NO option to write this during the test, and therefore you will forfeit 20 points.  This way, you can approach the topic more deliberately and double check your grammar, adjective endings, verb conjugations, etc.  

Ein Rundgang durch die Stadt. Ihr deutscher Freund / Ihre deutsche Freundin besucht Sie in Ihrer Heimatstadt. Zeigen Sie ihm/ihr Ihre Stadt und schreiben Sie seine/ihre Beobachtungen (observations) auf (50–60 Wörter). Benutzen Sie mindestens fünf Adjektive in Ihren Beschreibungen. (20 Punkte)

Mögliche Themen

• den Weg durch die Stadt

• bestimmte Gebäude (buildings) und Sehenswürdigkeiten (tourist attractions), die sie sehen

• Gebäude in Ihrer Nachbarschaft (Schule, Kirche)

• etwas Historisches über die Stadt oder wofür die Stadt bekannt ist

9.  Culture questions based on Landeskunde-Info assigned to read.

German 10C: 

Presentation topics.  Prepare a presentation of no shorter than 3 minutes' length.  You may have note cards with key words, but otherwise this is to be "presented" as in a conversation, rather than reading from something word for word: 

1.   Prepare a "tour" of your hometown or favorite city.  There will be a projector available with laptop attached, so you could bring photos on a flash drive and enhance the interest for your presentation.  


2.    Find a hotel in your favorite city in a German-speaking country and present the following:  

1. location
2. cost for single and double room 
3. what is included in the price 
4.  Amenities on-site 
5.  What you would visit in the vicinity, 
6.  Why did you choose this particular hotel?  What do you like about it? 

A. on page 263 has vocabulary to get you started.  You could include photos of the room, tourist sites, neighborhood, etc. on a flash drive and project to the class.  

Sunday, October 18, 2015

German 2A/10C: Assignment for 10/26: Kapitel 9: In der Stadt

Continue to work on workbook/lab manual for Kap 9, to hand in on 11/2.

Please note: whatever assignments for 10/19 were not covered will be covered on 10/26.

Thema 3, p. 267

Match answers to A.  There is no vocabulary for this section, as you can look for cognates and guess from context.  

Exercise: Identify one historical location on the map of the Lutherstadt Wittenberg and write 3-5 sentences (in German!) about that location, be it a building, a tree, a museum, a church.   Just as a suggestion: tell us how old the place/building is, if it’s a museum, what are the hours.  Just an idea.  Come up with something of your own.   Google it! 

Listen to “Nach dem Weg fragen”, p. 268.  Study Neue Wörter.  Write answers to B.

Giving directions:  Now, from the vantage of the I (information) kiosk, write directions for a tourist to your chosen destination (above). Tip: you might want to study the Neue Wörter, p. 268 for suggestions for giving directions, or look first at “Redemittel”, p. 269. 

Listen to Akt. 5 and fill in dialog blanks.

Be prepared to do Akt. 6 in class. 

Akt 7:  Using “Redemittel”, p. 269, Write 3 exchanges between 2 people, as in the example.  Choose 3 different locations (Sie stehen) as your starting point and match them with a different destination (Sie wollen).  You will then have a short exchange (x3) for which you ask directions and also give a reply.  This is based on the Stadtplan von Wittenberg, p. 267.  

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 270. Be able to give at least one response to the first question: Was sind zwei wichtige Daten in der Geschichte Ihrer Stadt”?  Heads up:  A "Kultur" question about this Landeskunde-Info will be on the chapter test for Kap 9.  

Akt 8: Write directions  from the CCSF Downtown Center to three locations in SF of your choice.  Make good use of the "directional" vocabulary introduced in Kapitel 9.  See esp. p. 268, and p. 269, Akt. 7 "Redemittel".  

Grammatik m Kontext

Review again, if unclear, the chart on page 275, Adjectives after a Definite Article. THEN, 

P. 277, read and study “Adjectives after an Indefinite Article”  Note, again, as with the adjective after a definite article, where the indefinite article DOESN'T change, then you have to provide the gender-specific ending on the adjective.  Thus, der Park = ein großer Park or ein schönes Haus.

Übung 10, write adjective endings for blanks

Übung 11, be prepared to do in class, but prepare at least three questions to ask a classmate, using "ein" plus adjectives with correct endings to describe the nouns.  See the Beispiel for guidance.    

P. 278, read “Adjectives without a Preceding Article.”  Notice that the endings correspond to the definite articles that you already know so well:  For example, Masc.: der - guter, den = guten, etc. (note: the exception is in the genitive sing. masculine and neuter) In essence, since the gender is not given, the adjectives without a preceding article indicate the gender and are taking the place of the definite articles!  Ganz einfach! 

Übung 12, write answers.  Read the directions before beginning!  You will be using the "Analyse" material on p. 279 for this.  

Übung 13, listen and fill in blanks, Texts 1 and 2

EXTRA PRACTICE with adjective endings:

Here and here and here

and finally, Here   The story of Little Red Riding Hood, with adjective endings!  

This exercise covers the three categories of adjective endings: after a definite article, after an indefinite, and unpreceded, so it will really benefit to work through this.  Try doing this without looking back and forth to the charts.  Go with what you know: look at case, gender, number (i.e. singular or plural).  Ask yourself: Is the noun preceded by a definite or an indefinite article, or no article at all? Fill it out and check your answers.  Bring to class and we will review.  Note that some blanks will remain empty.  This is not a test, BUT BRING THE COMPLETED PAGE TO CLASS (to review).  Keep calm and carry on!  

Finally, a bit of fun and cultural interest in this video in which people are asked what their definition of "Gemütlichkeit" is.  As you can tell, it does mean different things to different people, but there is a unified sense of "well being" in all of the definitions.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Assignment for 10/19: Kapitel 9: In der Stadt

Continue to work on the workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 9.  

Reassigned from last week:  Welche Stadt kennst du gut?  Sei  bereit, diese Stadt zu beschreiben.  Wie alt ist die Stadt?  Wo liegt die Stadt?  Wie viele Leute wohnen dort?  Was findest du an dieser Stadt gut, und was nicht so gut?  Bist du in dieser Stadt geboren oder aufgewachsen?  Oder später in deinem Leben entdeckt?  

Thema 2: Im Hotel, p. 265

Listen to dialog, study Neue Wörter, p. 265 and write a short summary (4-5) sentences based on the dialog "Im Hotel" in which you give information about the wer, was, wie, warum, etc.   Z.B: Herr Thompson kommt im Hotel an.  Er meldet sich an ... u.s.w. 

and then complete "Bilden Sie Sätze".

Akt. 3, p. 266: complete sentences

Akt. 4, p. 266: study pictures and write a sentence for each one.  Then, rewrite the story using the present perfect tense. (present perfect tense was covered in Kapitel 7)

Go to this website: Click on the German flag in the upper right hand corner to read the site "auf deutsch."  Choose a hostel or a hotel and write 6-7 sentences (in German) describing the hotel, using the vocabulary from Kap. 9.  Include the price of a room, what kind of services are available, location, etc.  Click on "Freizeitzangebote" and include a few places you'd like to visit in your report. Try to include a couple of uses of the genitive case, for good measure.   And, be sure to watch the short video included for the hostels to get a sense of what it looks like!  Have some fun with this! 

Grammatik im Kontext: 

Attributive Adjectives, p. 275, "Adjectives after a Definite Article".   Read carefully and study the chart for "adjectives after a definite article."  Note: it is important to know the genders of the nouns that are being modified and to recognize which case (i.e., nominative, accusative, dative or genitive) the noun is in!  This is where it all comes together!   

Note: it's not as complicated as it might seem.  There are only two adjective endings used with the adjectives after a definite article: -e and -en.  And -e is only used in five places (see chart), all the rest are -en.  

Think of it this way: where the definite article remains unchanged, i.e. 

masculine: nominative and  
neuter and feminine: nominative and accusative, 
THEN you have an "e" on the adjective.  Everything else is "en".  Ganz einfach!   

Write answers to Übung 7.

Read Sprach-Info, bottom of p. 275

Write sentences for Übung 8.  Do not use the verb "gefallen" for each one!  Try using some other vocabulary to vary your answers.  For example: for No. 2, you could say how much the small and comfortable hotel cost per night.  

Write sentences with adjective endings for Übung 9. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

German 2A/10C: Assignment for 10/12/15: Kapitel 9: In der Stadt

After completing the grammar assigned below, begin workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 9.  

Alles Klar? p. 261

Read A, and write answers for 1-5.  Was würdest du gern in Dresden machen?  Ein Museum besuchen?  Welches?  Oder machst du lieber einen Kneipenbummel?  

Listen to B and check answers.

Wörter im Kontext, p. 262

Thema 1.  Read and study ads, p. 262

Read Sprach-Info, p. 263

Check answers to A

Write answers to B and C, p. 263

Study Neue Wörter, pp. 262 & 263 and Wortschatz, pp. 286-287

Listen to Akt. 1, p. 264 and mark answers

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 264.  And prepare answers to the 2 questions.

Akt 2 will be done in class.  Prepare suggestions for 2 options for overnight stay, using information from each ad on page 262.  

Thema 2: Im Hotel, p. 265 

Grammatik im Kontext, p. 275

The Genitive Case

Read and study information, charts on p. 271.  How does the genitive case function in a sentence, how is it formed?

Read and study "Proper Names in the Genitive", p. 272

Read Analyse and answer questions

Write answers to Übungen 1, 2. Follow up to Übung 1: Was für eine Stadt ist San Francisco?  

Write answers to Übung 3, p. 273, Schritt 1, 2

Übung 4 will be done in class.  Practice formulating your own sentences using the genitive case.  

Read "Prepositions in the Genitive", p. 273, and write answers to Übung 5, p. 274

Übung 6 will be done in class, but take the time to write down some directions for each of the destinations listed, taking note of how you say what is where.  Note that some of the phrases in the right-hand column will take genitive, some dative.  Pay attention to the prepositions used.  

For extra practice with the genitive case, click here.   It couldn't hurt! 

Zum Schluss: 

Welche Stadt kennst du gut?  Sei  bereit, diese Stadt zu beschreiben.  Wie alt ist die Stadt?  Wo liegt die Stadt?  Wie viele Leute wohnen dort?  Was findest du gut an dieser Stadt, und was nicht so gut?  Bist du in dieser Stadt geboren oder aufgewachsen?  Oder hast du die Stadt später in deinem Leben entdeckt?  

Monday, September 28, 2015

German 2A/10C: General topics for test/presentation for Kapitel 8 for 10/5

Study for test, Kap. 8.  Use "Das kann ich nun" , p. 259 as a guideline.  

2A: Test: General topics covered: 

Listening section, "Gesundheit" oder "Fitness" 
Review vocabulary for Gesundheit/Fitness
Body parts - know plural forms
Subordinating conjunctions
reflexive pronouns
reading passage

Kultur section based on one of the assigned Landeskunde-Info paragraphs.

Schreiben:  To do at home to hand in:  50-60 word essay describing what you would do in order to get ready for a night out on the town.  Pay close attention to vocabulary, grammar, syntax, etc.  Use at least 5 reflexive verbs in your essay.    (20 points)  This may not be written in class during the test but rather prepared at home.  

Here is the topic: 

Es ist Freitag abend.  Du hast Pläne, mit dem Freund/Mann/der Freudin/Frau auszugehen.  Oder dich mit Freunden zu treffen.  Wie bereitest du dich vor (sich vorbereiten = to ready, prepare oneself).  Was mußt du alles machen, dich für einen schönen Abend fertig zu machen?  Benutzen Sie dabei mindestens 4 Reflexivpronomen.
10C: Presentation: 

Prepare a 3-minute presentation, with props, if possible, to make things more interesting on one of the following topics from Kapitel 8: 

Es ist Freitag abend.  Du hast Pläne, mit dem Freund/Mann/der Freudin/Frau auszugehen.  Oder dich mit Freunden zu treffen.  Wie bereitest du dich vor (sich vorbereiten = to ready, prepare oneself).  Was mußt du alles machen, dich für einen schönen Abend fertig zu machen?  Benutzen Sie dabei mindestens 4 Reflexivpronomen.


2.  Was machst du, um fit zu bleiben?  Beschreiben Sie, was Sie alles machen.  Was essen Sie, um gesund zu sein?  Wie sieht Ihre tägliche Fitnessroutine aus?  Wo machen Sie das?  Zu Hause, im Fitnesscenter, im Park?  

10C students' presentation will be assessed and graded according to the following criteria: 

1.  Ease of expression (gets across idea fully, minimal hesitation) 
2. Complexity (of sentence structure) 
3. Accuracy (of grammar, including use of 4 reflexive verbs)
4. Vocabulary  (precise words for the situation or paraphrse) 
5. Pronunciation  (rhythm and intonation are good for this level). 

Students may use note cards to help them with their presentation but just reading from a prepared written document will reduce the points given.  It is best to practice this out loud, perhaps in front of an audience.   

As mentioned, there will be a laptop with LCD projector to use for either internet access or some other sort of presentation method (PowerPoint has been done to good effect in other classes). 

German 2A/10C: Assignment for 10/5 - Kapitel 8 - Test and Presentations

Continue to work on workbook/lab manual and self-correct the workbook, which will be collected on 10/5.  Both 2A and 10C students are required to hand in both the workbook and lab manual sections for Kapitel 8.  10C students will take the listening section of the test given to the 2A students.  After that, they will give their presentations in the adjacent room.  

Thema 3, p. 242.  Review A and B and study   reflexive verbs and their use.  

Prepare Akt. 7 for review in class. 

Akt. 8 wil be done in class, It is helpful to review this in advance.  

Read:  Expressing Reciprocity, p. 252, read and write answers to:    

Übung 12, p. 252.  Write a short paragraph, using the vocabulary provided. 

Complete reflexive verb handout at home to review in class. 

Watch the video for Kapitel 8.  Answer A, C, D, E, F.  You can access the video where you access the audio.     

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 253.  Kreuzen Sie an! (if not covered on 2/9)
Lesen, p. 254.  Check off the appropriate boxes and be prepared to compare your eating habits with a classmate.  

Please see the following post for general topics for the 2A test as well as the topics for the 10C presentations, from which students may choose.  For 10C:  There will be equipment available to access the internet or use a PowerPoint presentation, if you would like to make your presentation more "interactive."  

Monday, September 21, 2015

German 2A/10C: Assignment for 9/28: Kapitel 8

Continue to work on the workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 8.  Be sure to self-correct workbook using the answer key.  Uncorrected workbooks will not be given credit.  

Note: We will review Übungen 13, 14, p. 227 first thing next Monday (9/28).  Items assigned for 9/21 but not reviewed will be done next week.  Test on Kapitel 8 will be given on 10/5, the second half of the class.  Presentations will also be due on that date.  10C students will first take the listening section of the written test, along with the 2A students.  Then, they will give their presentations in the adjacent room, 323.   The general topics for the test will be posted next week, as well as the presentation topics.  There will be a written section that may be prepared at home and handed in with the test.  This is strongly encouraged as a more efficient way to do some writing in German.  You can consult your textbook, vocabulary, etc. and come up with a very communicative, short essay.  

It is presumed that students are putting in 3 hours/week outside of class.   

Thema 2, p. 238:   

Study Wortschatz, Der Menschliche Körper, p. 238 
          Neue Wörter, p. 239 and 
          Wortschatz, pp. 258-259 

Make flashcards!  

Listen to "Ein Telefongespräch", p. 239, at least twice, thrice is even better, read along with the text and write/check answers for A, B

Akt 3, p. 240: Write 5 sentences, describing Christoph's story.  

Akt 4, p. 240.  Listen and number body parts referenced

Read: Landeskunde-Info, p. 240 and be prepared to answer the two questions.  

P. 241: Akt. 5.  LIsten x3 and note the correct responses. 

Read Sprach-Info.

Prepare to do Akt. 6 in class.  Review the "Beschwerden" and the "Ratschläge".  

Grammatik im Kontext, p. 248, Reflexive Pronouns and Verbs

Read this section carefully.  Note that the reflexive pronouns and verbs are used more extensively in German than in English.  Study especially the verbs that always and typically use an accusative reflexive pronoun, p. 249.  

Go here for a number of additional exercises with reflexive pronouns and sentences.  

Übung 8, p. 250, listen and mark the correct answer

Be prepared to answer the question:  Was findest du stressig?  Wie entspannst du dich? 

Read:  Verbs with reflexive pronouns in accusative or dative, p. 251.  Read carefully, bring questions to class if anything is not crystal clear!  Read also the two notes carefully. 

Übung 9, p. 251, write in correct reflexive pronouns 

Übung 10, p. 252: prepare and/or write your advice.